City Of Melbourne Offers Rebates To Prevent Lagoon Pollution, Save Consumers Money

By  //  May 24, 2016

Rainwater harvested for beneficial use

The City of Melbourne is offering a limited rain barrel rebate program on a first-come, first-served basis. (City of Melbourne Image)
The City of Melbourne is offering a limited rain barrel rebate program on a first-come, first-served basis. (City of Melbourne Image)

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – The City of Melbourne is offering a limited rain barrel rebate program on a first-come, first-served basis.

Rebates are available until budgeted rebate funds are depleted or until September 30, 2016, whichever comes first. The number of rebates available depends on that year’s budgeted funding level.

This program is being offered as a means to conserve water and reduce the amount of rain water entering into and carrying pollutants into the stormwater system.

By installing a rain barrel, rainwater that flows off your rooftop is captured and stored. The harvested rainwater can be used immediately or stored for later use to water your lawn and landscaped areas, fill ponds or fountains, and used to wash cars.

This reduction in water use translates into cost savings for water consumers and also greatly benefits the environment.

This rainwater is harvested for beneficial use that would have otherwise entered the stormwater system, carrying pollutants from yards and roads, such as pet waste, fertilizers, pesticides, motor oil, etc., before entering the Indian River Lagoon or other water bodies.

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The decline of the Indian River Lagoon from these pollutants is reflected in dying sea grass, algae blooms and sick and dying wildlife.

One $50 rebate is provided per Melbourne water customer for purchasing and installing a rain barrel that holds at least 40 gallons of water.

For information about requirements and guidelines, click here.