Up Close and Personal With Marketing Expert Douglas James

By  //  June 22, 2020

Digital marketing is a transformative tool in today’s business landscape. It has the power to transform your business and elevate it to new heights, and help you find the success you’ve always dreamed about.

Digital marketing is a transformative tool in today’s business landscape. It has the power to transform your business and elevate it to new heights, and help you find the success you’ve always dreamed about.

If you feel like you’re struggling to get a handle on digital marketing, you’re definitely not alone, and there’s an overwhelming amount of information out there. To break down the basics, and talk about some insider secrets, we interviewed marketing expert Douglas James after we saw his recent article on Entrepreneur.com which caught our attention.

Douglas James has several different digital marketing businesses under his belt, and he’s an expert when it comes to coaching others in the business.

Douglas, tell us how you got to where you are today.

I guess you could say my story begins back in 2014, when I was deployed on a Navy humanitarian ship. We visited Guam, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and the Philippines, and during this trip I was really honored to help people living in impoverished communities.

After this tour, I realized how much economic factors play a role in people’s health, freedom, and happiness, and I wanted to shift my focus to helping others find financial freedom.

That’s when I started using digital marketing to empower entrepreneurs to grow their own businesses or simply create a side hustle to develop another source of income.

Why is digital marketing so crucial to the success of a business?

When I first started to make money after the Navy, I started to see firsthand how powerful online marketing could be.

You could have the best idea in the world, but it won’t make you any money if you don’t know how to market it properly.

And gone are the days of bus ads and billboards. The real money, and your real, loyal customers, will come to you, after you tap into the power of digital marketing. The marketing techniques I teach have the power to actually transform your business and your success, and I’ve seen firsthand how much of a difference marketing can make.

How did you become a digital marketing expert?

When I first started to make money after the Navy, I started to see firsthand how powerful online marketing could be.

I started using SEO and Facebook Ads to help companies grow their businesses, and people organically started reaching out to me, with questions and to seek advice.

I realized I had a wealth of knowledge which could really help people, and that’s when I formally started to advise people in digital marketing.

What are some of the things you offer?

I basically offer everything and anything when it comes to learning how to dominate digital marketing. I offer a high-ticket client experience for people who spend a lot of time on sales calls, which will help you land high-ticket clients.

My team and I also can coach you on how to generate leads and business funnels, how to dominate Facebook ads, and SEO. I can help you scale a coaching program or online business, and personally coach you on your next steps.

High ticket clients are my focus for one reason: they bring in big income. Learning how to not only land high-ticket clients, but also automate the process, can be the tool that pushes your business to the next level. That’s why high-ticket clients are my signature focus in a lot of my teachings.

Why are you known as The High-Ticket Client Guy?

High ticket clients are my focus for one reason: they bring in big income. Learning how to not only land high-ticket clients, but also automate the process, can be the tool that pushes your business to the next level.

That’s why high-ticket clients are my signature focus in a lot of my teachings.