City of Melbourne Seeking Citizens to Serve on Advisory Board, Provides Input to City Council
By Space Coast Daily // June 8, 2021
The Volunteer board meets every six weeks, must be a melbourne resident

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – The City of Melbourne is looking for members of the community to serve on the advisory board.
Volunteer board members provide vital input to the Melbourne City Council on important local issues and have the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way to their community.
There are currently openings on several city boards that provide input on issues ranging from community development and neighborhood improvement to historic preservation and pension administration.
The Babcock Street Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council for the Babcock Street Redevelopment Area.
■ Members are Melbourne residents or are engaged in business within the redevelopment area.
■ The Citizens’ Advisory Board serves as the formal means through which active citizen participation is provided to aid in the planning, oversight, and evaluation of federal- and state-funded housing and community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income residents and neighborhoods.
■ Must be a resident of Melbourne.
■ The Code Enforcement Board promotes, protects, and improves the health, safety, and welfare of Melbourne’s citizens and enhances property values by enforcing City of Melbourne codes, applying appropriate remedies, and promoting compliance.
■ The board meets every six weeks.
The General Employees’ Pension Plan Board of Trustees provides general administration and responsibility for the operation of the pension trust fund for the City’s general employees.
The Historic and Architectural Review Board recommends local historic designations and regulates and administers historical, cultural, archaeological, and architectural resources in the City of Melbourne.
It also considers material changes in the exterior appearance of existing buildings located on non-residential property in the city’s three redevelopment districts.
Members must represent one of the following disciplines: architecture, history, architectural history, planning, prehistoric and historic archaeology, landscape architecture, real estate, or general/building contract.
City residents, property owners in the city, and individuals engaged in business within the city may also apply.
The Planning and Zoning Board advises the City Council on questions relating to zoning, comprehensive planning, and land use; conducts investigations on matters or proposals to change zoning and land development regulations; and in some cases makes the final decision on site plan approval requests under one acre.
The Police Officers’ Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees is responsible for the general administration and responsibility for the operation of the retirement trust fund for the City’s police officers.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment considers appeals in the enforcement of the Zoning Code and authorizes in specific cases a variance from the terms of the Zoning Code.
For more information and to apply, contact the City Clerk’s office at or 321-608-7220.