7 Common Tree Care Myths You Need to Know – Explained
By Space Coast Daily // August 1, 2022
So many people love to plant trees on their lawns or empty yards, as they provide a lot of things, such as aesthetically pleasing views and numerous health and economic benefits. Trees help make your property look beautiful and keep the environment healthier around it.
Also, during summer and spring, a lot of people love to spend time outside the home, and trees help provide a comfortable resting area for them by providing sheds. They are overall really important for our climate and economy. Due to all these benefits, trees are being planted in a huge number all around.
However, your responsibilities don’t end just after planting a tree. You will have to nurture it after planting so that it can grow well. You will also need to take care of it properly on a regular basis. While many people have proper intentions to take care of their planted trees and tend to them properly, they often fail to do so due to their lack of knowledge and training on this matter.
They try to gather information from various sources so that they can take care of their trees as well, but at the same time, they also get highly confused by various tree care myths that keep going around.
Since the internet is an endless pit of information, it can often provide unreliable information on tree care. That’s why it’s always best to get proper training or hire someone professional in this industry. In this article, we will talk about some tree care myths that will help you gain better knowledge about tree care.
These myths are –
1. Roots Go Deep for All Trees
People usually imagine a large and tall structure whenever they are thinking of a full-grown tree. They also think of thick roots that run really deep into the ground. But the truth is, trees only have really stake deep roots when they are saplings. It’s because this provides them with better survival chances by letting them anchor themselves to the ground. The roots start to spread out in a horizontal direction when the trees start growing.
The horizontal growth helps the tree absorb as much water as needed from the surface. It would be difficult to absorb water if their roots were too deep into the ground. And it means the base of trees is a lot more delicate than people usually think. So, it’s better that you don’t overwater your trees and make sure that any unwanted plant life at its base isn’t competing with the tree for nutrients and water.
2. Staking Young Trees Help Them Grow Better
Most people think that small and thin trees need a lot of help growing, including protection from harsh natural conditions like scorching heat, heavy snow, rainfall, and strong winds. But it’s better not to stake a young tree to protect it from these problems. Instead, you should let a tree grow on its own. If a tree doesn’t get staked at a young age, it develops stronger roots and sturdier trunks than the ones that were staked.
3. A Wrap is Needed for A Newly Planted Tree to Protect It from Insects and Harsh Elements
A newly planted tree won’t always need to be protected by a tree wrap. It will depend on the season and where you are planting the tree. Sometimes, a tree wrap can even worsen the situation. According to experts, it’s better to wrap trees only during winter. A tree can get too warm if it is wrapped during summer.
Also, if a tree is wrapped during the rainy season, the wrap might hold in moisture and cause rot to the base and trunk. Wraps don’t always keep bugs out, either. Mostly these wraps have openings or gaps for bugs to get in, and then they thrive well within the protection of the wrap.
4. Healthy-Looking Trees Won’t Fall
No tree is ever totally safe. Trees that usually fall have issues with their roots. Trees with root structure issues look healthy most of the time, and that’s why it’s important to get your tree examined from time to time. They will be able to figure out if the root system of a tree is healthy or not.
5. All Insects are Bad for Trees
Some insects are beneficial, as they will help protect your trees. They are also good for the environment. For instance, ladybugs feed on creatures like aphids that can harm your tree.
6. It’s Better to Cut More of the Tree
If you prune too many of a tree’s branches or limbs at one time, it will stress the tree and cause a decline in its health. Also, it can cause insect infestation, structural defects, and disease infection. Removing the entire top of a tree or removing a lot of large branches is a harmful and outdated practice, which is commonly known as ‘topping.’ It can even lead to the death of your tree.
7. All Tree-Cutters are Arborists
These days you will find many uncertified and untrained people cutting trees and trying to pass themselves off as arborists. An arborist needs to be trained in arboriculture, especially those certified by ISA. They also need to utilize the ANSI standards to do tree work properly.
They need to pass an extensive examination that covers all arboriculture facets. They will know and understand how they can care for your trees in the best possible ways. It’s really important that you hire a professional and certified arborist to take care of your trees and conduct all the tree work, including trimming, pruning, etc. If you don’t hire a certified arborist, it will cause more harm than good to your trees.
If you are looking for tree care services, we can help. We offer a wide range of tree care services, from tree trimming and pruning to tree removal and stump grinding. We have the knowledge and experience to get the job done right, and we’re always here to help! Give us a call today to get started.
Final Words
You can’t believe every piece of information that you manage to get on the internet. When you want to take care of your trees, you will come across a lot of misinformation and myths about how to care for your trees. It’s important that you find out the actual and proper information about tree-caring. At the same time, it’s better if you hire professional arborists to take care of your trees so that there won’t be any room for misconceptions and mistakes.