Experts Discover College Students Sleep Less Than 7 Hours On Average Per Night

By  //  February 24, 2019

The article contains unique information about the importance of healthy sleep for students that affects sleep and why regular lack of sleep is a guarantee of learning failure and the likelihood of developing a variety of psychological and depressive disorders.

Everyone who studied in college and was a student mentions the time when heavier training took time to sleep and there were always heavy sleepy nights. surveyed 10,000 college students in the USA. Everyone understands that college students do not spend enough hours to have a healthy sleep.

It would be interesting for many people to find out statistics, in particular, in order to find out how many hours a student sleeps the average student. What factors have a direct impact on the quality of their sleep? To answer these questions, more than 10,000 students from all the U.S. were interviewed.

Guided by the information that was obtained as a result of a large-scale survey across America, it was determined how many hours a day a contemporary American student slept, which factors depend on their sleep and why they spend so little time on vacation.

The survey found that more than 80 percent of current college students sleep on average less than 7 hours a day.

An average student, according to this poll conducted throughout America, devotes 6.5 hours a day to sleep. This number is not positive, because students are people who live at a certain college level, they have to get up in the morning to get to college to study.

Quite often, students early rise from bed to study, often bordered by late fall asleep, such a phenomenon generates a defective rest, which, in turn, can lead not only to the state of depression and psychological disorder but also to the development of various illnesses.

After sleepless nights, students have a difficult time absorbing new information presented by the teachers, their attention is scattered, they always want to sleep, in the morning students feel tired, and in the afternoon they want to sleep constantly.

According to studies conducted by scientists around the world, it has been proven that the person (average student), the body requires 8 hours daily for a healthy sleep (a healthy sleeping period is considered a continuous rest from 7 to 9 hours a day).

When a student gets 8 hours of sleep each night, they have no problems with restoring their strength and assimilating new information. Because students have a challenging workload and ma training tasks, so in such periods it happens that night sleep varies from the number of sleeping hours per day.

On one day, the student slept 6 hours a day, and the next day — 9 hours. Such a phenomenon is not harmful, this is normal, and it is not necessary to worry because of this, just do not need to turn this process into a regular one, because you can knock down the usual rhythm and schedule of sleep.

It is worth bearing in mind that some students, due to their genetic peculiarities, have enough time to recover their strength and relax the body in a dream. For example, if a student sleeps 6 hours a day, while he does not want to sleep during the day, he has a good state of health, he quickly perceives fresh information, then such a dream is considered normal.

According to the survey, the following interesting facts about the student’s sleep were revealed:

  • Many students interviewed go to bed at 11 p.m. to 12  a.m in the week and at 1-3 a.m. during the weekend;
  • 49% of the interviewed students say they do not sleep in the afternoon on weekdays;
  • 88% of students state that the phenomenon of sleep deprivation can negatively affect their success;
  • 3% of students take special medications to deal with insomnia;
  • 70% of the students said that due to the high educational load, there is a phenomenon of constant stress, which is the main cause of chronic lack of sleep;
  • 24% of students say they constantly go to sleep late at night.
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