Brevard County Commissioner John Tobia Requests Brevard County Logo Change, Seeks Citizen Input

By  //  March 23, 2019

NEW logo does need to be ADA compliant

BREVARD COUNTY COMMISSIONER JOHN TOBIA: “It has come to my attention that our county logo may be difficult to read for people with certain eyesight conditions. Therefore, my office is seeking a redesign of our current logo.”

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – It has come to my attention that our county logo may be difficult to read for people with certain eyesight conditions. Therefore, my office is seeking a redesign of our current logo.

In the past, the City of Palm Bay spent nearly $40,000 to re-brand and create their new logo.

The County’s previous logo redesign cost taxpayers almost $5,000. This initiative is seeking citizen input, not a consultant’s, and will implement the new logo during normal replacement cycles so that there is no burden on taxpayers.

I believe that there is plenty of talent present in Brevard to create a beautiful and dynamic logo that represents the allure of our great County.

Teachers are encouraged to use this as an opportunity to teach children to respect and consider the challenges that their peers might be facing.

Please keep in mind that the logo does need to be ADA compliant, which you can read more information about HERE. This guide includes information on text size, contrast, etc.

There is also an online contrast checker for colors that can be found HERE. See below for some examples currently being considered.

If you would like to send in a submission or know someone who is a graphic artist and would be interested in submitting a design, feel free to contact with your submission.

See below for some examples currently being considered:

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