‘Soul Surfer” Showing Set For Micco

By  //  May 2, 2012

Free Movie

Brevard Parks and Recreation will show "Soul Surfer" for free outdoors In Micco on May 12. (Shutterstock image)

BREVARD COUNTY • MICCO, FLORIDA – Grab the lawn chairs, blankets and popcorn for a free outdoor showing of the PG-rated ‘Soul Surfer’ movie in Barefoot Bay on May 12.

The outdoor movie, sponsored by Brevard County Parks and Recreation, will be shown on a 23-foot outdoor movie screen beginning at 8 p.m. at 625 Barefoot Blvd. in Micco.

The free event is for all ages.

Patrons are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets, food and drink to enjoy during the movie.

There will also be concessions available for purchase.

Call the Movies in the Park Hotline at 321-637-5434 for updates or in the event of bad weather.

Residents also can follow Brevard County Parks and Recreation’s Free Movies in the Park on Facebook at www.facebook.com/brevardmoviesinthepark.

For more information, call the South Area Parks and Recreation Office at 321-255-4400.

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