County Seeks Public Input For Proposed Budget
By Space Coast Daily // September 24, 2012
Spending Reduced 6.23 Percfent
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – One public hearing remains to review Brevard County’s proposed $936,778,125 budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013.

The final Public Hearings on the budget is scheduled for Tuesday.
The proposed budget for 2012-2013 represents a decrease in spending of 6.23 percent, or $62,219,719, from the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 amended budget of $998,997,844.
The FY 2012-2013 Budget is balanced and represents another year of tremendous value for the citizens of Brevard County, according to County manager Howard Tipton.
Tipton said it focuses on maintaining core services while also making critical investments to ensure the future viability of the county’s vital public safety, roadway and communications infrastructure.
The budget has been posted online at
Click on the “County Budget” link, then on “Recommended Budget” to see how various dollar amounts will be allocated in the coming year.