Attorney Mark O’Mara To Speak At RLC Convention

By  //  September 3, 2013

to be held at the Holiday Inn Conference Center

ABOVE VIDEO: Matt Nye of the Republican Liberty Caucus talks to Ben Swann about the Truth in Media project and why it is needed in our current media landscape

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FL – Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) activists from throughout the Sunshine State will converge Sept. 14 on Brevard County for the 2013 Biennial RLC of Florida State Convention.

Mark O’Mara

The convention will culminate in the RLC of Central East Florida’s Fifth Annual Constitution Day Dinner, which will feature keynote speaker Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center, and special guest Mark O’Mara, defense attorney for George Zimmerman, who will receive the group’s coveted Jefferson Cup award.

“We give the award to someone for what they have done, stood for or accomplished and we thought Mark would be very deserving of the award this year,” said Bob White, Chair of the RLC of Central East Florida.

“We give the award to someone for what they have done, stood for or accomplished and we thought Mark would be very deserving of the award this year,” said Bob White, Chair of the RLC of Central East Florida.

RLC-180“Frankly, it was the post-verdict press conference that Mark conducted where he challenged the media but also the judicial system itself. Those of us who watched that news conference said ‘Now there is a guy who spoke truth to power’ and we began to get the idea that perhaps he is somebody that we should honor with the Jefferson Cup for the way in which he took on the legal profession where he makes his living.”

The Republican Liberty Caucus is the oldest continuously-operating volunteer organization of liberty Republicans in the country. The national organization was chartered in 1991 here in Florida at a meeting in Naples. This past May, Floridian Matt Nye was elected National Chair at the RLC National Convention in Austin, TX.

Matt Nye
Matt Nye

“The RLC has a long tradition of supporting and promoting those brave candidates and individuals who are willing to stand for the principles of less government, lower taxes, more personal liberty and protection from government intrusion in to our private lives,” Nye said. “Elected officials like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Justin Amash exemplify the RLC’s values, and we are pleased to recognize Mr. O’Mara for standing for the rule of law and calling out the media for the manner in which they covered the Trayvon Martin case.”

Prior to the RLCCEF Constitution Day Dinner gala, hundreds of RLC members representing chapters from all parts of the state will convene the morning of Sept. 14 at the Holiday Inn Viera Conference Center for the 2013 RLC of Florida Biennial State Convention. State officers will be elected and delegates will participate in activist training to prepare for the 2014 elections. The RLC of Florida has eight regional chapters representing North West, North East, North Central, Central, Central East, Central West, South East and South West Florida.

The RLC of Florida Convention is open to the public but only dues-paid members who are delegates may participate in deliberations or vote.

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Founded in 1991, Republican Liberty Caucus is a nationwide grassroots IRS Section 527 political organization registered with the Federal Election Commission, made up of libertarian-leaning Republicans who work within the party for policies which promote smaller government and individual liberty.