Poetry Reading Event Coming to EFSC Cocoa Campus
By Space Coast Daily // April 25, 2014
third annual Poetry Aloud april 29
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — The joy of poetry will be celebrated April 29 with the third annual Poetry Aloud on the Cocoa campus at Eastern Florida State College.

The event is sponsored by The Writer’s Haven student creative writing club and is open to anyone who wants to share their poetry or the works of others.
It will be held in the Studio Theater of the Bernard Simpkins Fine Arts Center on the Cocoa campus from 3:30-5:30 p.m. as part of National Poetry Month.
The event is free and open to all college students, faculty, staff and the public.
The goal of Poetry Aloud is to celebrate the joys of self-expression through the written and spoken word. Participants are not required to recite from memory and may refer to a printed copy of their own work.
They can also read favorite poems by other writers.
Props, costumes and other extras are allowed. All participants will receive a certificate of recognition and judges will award prizes.

Those who want to participate can preregister online or at the event.
A grand prize eReader will be awarded for the Best Performance of Original Work by an EFSC student.
Other awards include bookstore gift certificates, books by classic and contemporary poets and other items for writers and readers.
For more information including complete event rules visit TheWritersHaven.org