F-16’s Headed For Air & Space Show Thanks To Florida Tech

By  //  October 3, 2014

Air Force Grants Professor’s Request for Jets

Major Julie Moore, an assistant professor of aviation science at Florida Institute of Technology, in the cockpit of an F-16. Photo by Scott Wolf. (Florida  Tech image)
Major Julie Moore, above, an assistant professor of aviation science at Florida Institute of Technology, in the cockpit of an F-16. Photo by Scott Wolf. (Florida Tech image)

BREARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA –About $60 million worth of aviation technology in the form of two F-16 fighter jets will be on display at this weekend’s Melbourne Air & Space Show thanks to Florida Institute of Technology faculty member – and Air Force fighter pilot – Julie Moore.

Melbourne Air & Space Show Set For Oct. 4-5Related Story:
Melbourne Air & Space Show Set For Oct. 4-5

An assistant professor of aviation science at the university’s College of Aeronautics, Moore spent nearly 12 years on active duty in the U.S. Air Force and remains in the Air Force Reserves as part of the 93rd Fighter Squadron at Homestead Air Reserve Base in south Florida.

An Air Force major, she is also an F-16 instructor at Homestead.

As a qualified pilot, Moore was able to request the two jets for use in the air show scheduled for Oct. 4-5 at Melbourne International Airport. Two weeks after she asked, her request was granted – as it was in 2010, when she arranged for two F-16s to be on display at the air show in Cocoa Beach.

ABOVE VIDEO: The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds do a practice run on Thursday at the Melbourne International Airport in preparation for their performance this weekend during the Air & Space Show. (Paul Lepinskie video)

“The Air Force likes to support air shows when it can,” Moore said.

The static display will highlight some of the powerful aircraft used by the Air Force, but it goes beyond that, as well.

FLORIDA-TECH-LOGO-180“It’s really great that Florida Tech employs a reservist,” Moore said.

“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. My students are exposed to military aviation, in addition to the exposure they are given to commercial aviation, and I’m very grateful for the support I receive from Florida Tech enabling me to do my reserve duties. The airshow was the perfect opportunity to bring these worlds together.”

The F-16 jets will allow Moore to employ a unique teaching tool, she said.

“I tell them a lot about the F-16 in my aero classes – aerodynamics, advanced aircraft systems, and instrument procedures – so it’s neat for them to see it up close and personal with me, showing them hands-on what I may have talked about in class.”

The jets are scheduled to be parked near the entrance to the air show on the north side of Melbourne International Airport.