Viral Photos: Gator On Golf Course Causes Internet Stir

By  //  March 12, 2015

Are these photos real, if any?

The photos caught fire on Facebook, generating more than 300,000 views and 4,000 shares in five days. (Image by Myakka Pines Golf Club)

ENGLEWOOD, FLORIDA – Is it real or Photoshopped?

That’s the question bouncing around the Internet after the Myakka Pines Golf Club posted this photo on Facebook:

Image: Facebook
(Image by Myakka Pines Golf Club)

Last Friday, a group of golfers preparing to putt on the 7th hole when they allegedly spotted the massive gator making a beeline to the pond on the other side of the putting surface. It’s said that they wisely gave the big guy plenty of room — but did manage to snap a few photos as he lumbered towards the water.

Image: Facebook
(Image by Myakka Pines Golf Club)

The photos caught fire on Facebook, generating more than 300,000 views and 4,000 shares in five days.

Many comments about the images question the wisdom of the golfers getting so close to the large alligator. Others wondered if the image was real or something created by using photo-editing software.

TheBlaze spoke with Myakka Pines’ general manager, Mickie Zada. She assures us that the photos as well as the gators on the golf course are “quite real.”

According to Zada, in the club’s 37-year history, there are no reports of alligators attacking golfers.

Mickie Zada
Mickie Zada

“They usually move when the golfers approach,” Zada said. Adding, “And we tell golfers to just forget about any golf balls that end up in the water.”

“People ask us about moving the alligators all the time,” Zada told TheBlaze. Adding with a laugh, “I tell them, ‘To where?’”

When asked if the alligators had names, Zada said, “No, we used to have a much larger gator out there called ‘Big George.’”

Big George (Image by Myakka Pines Golf Club)

Zada sent us a photo of “Big George” adding, “He’s no longer at the club. We assume he passed due to old age.”