ELECTION 2016: Early Primary Voting In Brevard County Closes Saturday At 4 p.m.

By  //  March 11, 2016

eight Early Voting sites in Brevard County

Early voting in Brevard County began March 5 and will close Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m.
Early voting in Brevard County began March 5 and will close Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m.

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Early voting in Brevard County began March 5 and will close Saturday afternoon at 4 p.m.

Hours of operation on Saturday are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. You may cast your ballot at any of the eight Early Voting sites located throughout Brevard County.

CLICK HERE for a list of Early Voting sites and wait times.


Presidential Primary Election Florida: March 15, 2016

Primary Election: August 30, 2016

General Election: November 8, 2016

Election Day Hours: Polls are open on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Voters waiting in line at 7 p.m. will be allowed to vote.

How do I register to vote?  Any Supervisor of Elections’ office, Any office that issues driver licenses including tax collector’s offices, Any voter registration agency, The Division of Elections, & Fishing and hunting license shops.

CLICK HERE to register to vote

How can I request an absentee ballot? You, or if directed by you, a member of your immediate family or your legal guardian, may request an absentee ballot from your Supervisor of Elections.

Identification needed to vote: In order to vote at the polls during early voting or on Election Day, you must show a photo and signature identification.

Lori Scott
Lori Scott

Acceptable forms of photo identification include Florida driver license; Florida identification card issued by the Department of Highway, Safety and Motor Vehicles; United States passport; Debit or credit card; Military identification; Student identification; Retirement center identification; Neighborhood association identification; and Public assistance identification.

For more information contact Brevard Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott at 321-264-6740 or soe@votebrevard.com