Florida Fish and Wildlife Asking Fishermen To Report Tagged Red Snapper and Grouper
By Florida Fish And Wildlife Commission // June 7, 2017
easy to report, simply call 1-800-367-4461
(FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute) – The FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute is asking fishermen to report tagged red snapper and grouper to the FWC Tag Return Hotline 1-800-367-4461 or by emailing them at tagreturn@MyFWC.com
It’s optimal for tagged fish to be returned alive after capture.
If a tagged fish is harvested, knowing the fish has been removed from the system is very valuable information and the acoustic tag may be reused.
Red snapper movements and stock recovery are hot topics in Florida, and FWC Research is engaged in multiple tagging studies to better understand these issues.
Red snapper in two Gulf of Mexico locations have been outfitted with acoustic tags by the Lowerre-Barbieri lab to lend insight on site fidelity, movement patterns, catch and release mortality and catch rates.
ABOVE VIDEO: The FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute is asking fishermen to report tagged red snapper and grouper to the FWC Tag Return Hotline 1-800-367-4461 or by emailing them at tagreturn@MyFWC.com
Along the Tampa Bay pipeline, 60 red snapper and red grouper have been internally acoustically tagged.
Their movements are monitored by a fixed array of acoustic receivers as well as by seasonal flights of a USF robotic glider equipped with a mobile acoustic receiver.
An additional 37 red snapper have been acoustically tagged within the Madison Swanson Marine Protected Area off Panama City, 27 of which have external acoustic tags so catch and release mortality estimates may be made in this deep water area.
CLICK HERE to learn more about FWC acoustic telemetry research.