Why Young Women Are Donating Their Eggs More Than Ever Before
By Space Coast Daily // May 24, 2019
With the rising numbers of couples dealing with infertility issues, the conversation about growing a family has become more open and commonplace. With more transparency about what childless couples are dealing with, the door has opened for more acceptance about alternative methods.
Surrogacy has become a popular method for many couples to achieve their dreams of having children. With more demand for egg donations and surrogate mothers, more and more young women are taking the opportunity to help out a struggling family.
If you are a young and independent woman who is not yet ready to start your own family but is interested in donating your eggs, you will have a lot to consider.
There is financial compensation that makes the process worth it to most donors. As well, there is the satisfaction of being able to help those that need it.
Before you decide if you want to donate your eggs there are many things to consider. Open discussions should be had with your family, friends and doctors before you make your decision.
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why more young women than ever before are donating their eggs to help a couple dealing with infertility.
Charitable Rewards
There are very few kinds of donations that you can make with the same impact as egg donation. Your selfless and generous act of donation can truly change lives.
Imagine a couple that has struggled with infertility for many years that may have a chance to finally have a baby thanks to your gift.
If you don’t plan to start your family quite yet, and you like the idea of donating your eggs while you are in your reproductive prime, it can be an extremely rewarding experience.
There is no evidence that the process of egg donation can affect your future fertility. So, there is no reason to worry that you won’t be able to help someone now, and then start your own family later on when you are ready.
Financial Compensation
If you qualify to donate your eggs you should expect to be fairly paid for your time, effort and eggs. The process of donation is not as simple as a doctor’s visit.
You will have to commit to the time that it takes to medically prepare your body to have your eggs harvested. Doctor’s appointments, exams, tests, fertility hormone injections and the extraction can all take a few months to go through.
On average, you will get paid between $8,000 and $10,000 for each donation. The compensation could be higher depending on the amount of eggs that you can produce to be harvested. The price can vary depending on where you live and the current demand.
Women are using this money to achieve all sorts of great things in their own lives. You could pay off your tuition bills, put a down payment on a home of your own, or invest it in yourself and start your own business.
For many women, egg donation is the perfect combination of charitable giving and making money at the same time.