9 Steps How to Write a Perfect 250-Word Essay
By Space Coast Daily // December 8, 2020
Many people find it hard to write a lot. On the contrary, others suffer from excessive verbosity, mostly when they write quickly and are focused on putting all their thoughts into words. But writing a 250-word essay is sometimes challenging for both types.
Thomas Jefferson said, “The most valuable of all talents is never to use two words where one can do.” Our step-by-step recommendations will help you write essays of a given volume without compromising their quality.
Your goal is to learn how to avoid verbose phrases and an essay writer should be short and precise. For additional information on how to write a perfect 250-word essay, visit wr1ter.com.
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Step 1 – Write first, then edit.
If you are always worried about word count, you may start to discard ideas without writing them down. Instead, write down all the valuable thoughts that come to your mind – let the text grow at this stage, not contract. Understanding essay structure plays an important part in writing an essay.
Step 2 – Replace phrases with single words.
There is always an opportunity to say the same thing in fewer words. For example:
– “ask” instead of “make a request.”
– “disturb” instead of “cause concern.”
– “now” instead of “at the present moment” or “at this time.”
Step 3 – Avoid pleonasms.
That is, using words that are unnecessary in meaning. For example:
– “to return” instead of the expression “come back.”
– “eventually” instead of the word “in the end.”
Step 4 – Get rid of repetitions.
Try to use each statement only once. Each argument should be clear and concise so that you don’t have to repeat it or explain it again. It would help if you learned this, but worth it: this skill will be valuable to you throughout your life.
Step 5 – Pay attention to the grammatical voice.
Try writing the same sentence in the active voice and then in the passive voice (or vice versa). See which version reads better, expresses your message, and uses fewer words. The active voice is not necessarily shorter; it all depends on the construction of the sentence. The passive voice, along with impersonal sentences, is often used in scientific texts.
Step 6 – Avoid reinsurance.
Sometimes you need to evaluate statements, especially when discussing theories, predictions, rationales, relationships. Do not repeatedly mention in a sentence that it is an assumption. For example, do not write, “There is a possibility that Tom may come today.” Instead, write, “Tom may come today.”
Step 7 – Avoid words that don’t change the meaning of the sentence.
You can omit phrases like “actually” or “to tell the truth.”
Step 8 – Check your essay several times.
When you write your first 250-word essay draft, there may be too many words in it, even if you didn’t notice it. Procrastination won’t do you any good: by putting off writing an essay until the last minute, you are depriving yourself of time to re-read it and get rid of unnecessary words, phrases, and thoughts.
Step 9 – Do not revolve around what you have written and do not regret deleting it.
Knowing what you can shorten is an essential quality of a good writer. Ask yourself: “Would I like to read this to the end? Is it interesting and to the point?” If the answer is no, you most likely didn’t get your point across clearly. Write down other ideas somewhere: they will be useful for another 250-word essay or other literary creations.