Space Coast Discovery Announces Plans for New Space Coast Discovery Academy and Science Center.
By Space Coast Daily // March 19, 2022
Space Coast Discovery will address the needs of infants through 12th grade
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Space Coast Discovery, formerly known as Space Coast Early Intervention Center, formally announced plans for a new school building and science center which will be known as Space Coast Discovery Academy and Science Center.
The new school and science will be located in Brevard County and host a state-of-the-art facility as well as a science center, a dynamic and interactive space for families to play, create and challenge their understanding of science.
With the new campus, Space Coast Discovery will address the needs of infants through 12th grade and will be STEM certified to attract their current population and a campus that will encompass child-centered nonprofits and therapy services.
“Daily parents walk in they want the small teacher-student ratios, they want the individualized curriculum and most of all they want to hope for a brighter future. And, so a new vision was formed,” said Terri Clark, Executive Director at Space Coast Discovery.
“We launched a vision that will provide more space, a revenue stream that will provide education for all students, and will provide a unique, educational and inspiring campus.”
Space Coast Discovery recently hosted their ‘5th Annual Jam For The Kids’ raising over $215,000 where all proceeds will benefit Space Coast Discovery, a nationally recognized school for children with and without disabilities, and the new academy and science center.
For more information about the school email Sandy Withers at You can also check out more details by visiting their website at