Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce President Nancy Peltonen Appointed to FACP Board of Directors
By Space Coast Daily // September 25, 2022
has served as President, CEO at the Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce for 7 years
BREVARD COUNTY • PALM BAY, FLORIDA – The Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce announced that Chamber President and CEO Nancy Peltonen has been appointed to the Florida Association of Chamber Professionals Board of Directors for a three-year term starting September 2022.
FACP is committed to leading chamber professionals through quality and innovative business development.
Serving over 500 chamber professionals across the state, FACP provides chamber of commerce professionals with the information, learning, and communication skills to carry out the mission of their chambers.
“Having served as President and CEO at the Greater Palm Bay Chamber of Commerce for seven years, I am truly honored to serve on a state-wide board to assist other Chamber Presidents as we navigate through the constant change that is chamber life.”
“FACP has been instrumental to my growth and development as a Chamber CEO, and I look forward to serving and advocating at a state level.”