Brevard Public Schools Students Win Multiple Awards at Regeneron International Science, Engineering Fair
By Space Coast Daily // May 31, 2023
international competition had 1,600 participants
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Brevard Regional Science Fairs had 11 students participate in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in Dallas, Texas, May 13-19.
This international competition had more than 1,600 participants compete in various science, technology, engineering, computer science, and mathematics categories.
Brevard had four winners at the International Science and Engineering Fair:
Third Award of $1000:
Environmental Engineering
■ Sharanya Natarajan, Edgewood Jr/Sr High School
Fourth Award of $500:
Environmental Engineering
■ Robert Zrallack, Titusville High School
Plant Sciences
■ Samantha Cohen-Pinsky, Satellite High School
■ Florida Institute of Technology Full Tuition Presidential Scholarship:
■ Pranav Ponnusamy, West Shore Jr./Sr. High School
“Congratulations to each of these students on their big wins!” said Brevard Public Schools spokesperson.