Brevard Public Schools Announces Finalized Millage Payment Schedules for BPS Employees
By Space Coast Daily // August 5, 2023
teachers with 10 years experience will see an additional $3,651 in compensation

80 percent of collected funds set aside for employee compensation, 16% set aside for student programs, and 4 percent set aside for technology
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Brevard County voters showed their support for Brevard Public Schools in November 2022 by approving a millage increase with the revenue being used to increase employee compensation, student programs, and technology.
On August 1, the School Board, Superintendent Dr. Mark Rendell, Brevard Federation of Teachers, and the IUPAT/Local Union 1010 announced the finalized millage payment schedules for BPS employees.
The millage will last for four years unless extended by voters, with 80 percent of collected funds set aside for employee compensation, 16% set aside for student programs, and 4 percent set aside for technology.
The millage payments will be spread over 20 pay periods beginning with the Aug. 31 paycheck. And, as an example, a teacher with ten years of experience will see an additional $3,651 in compensation this school year.
“We are thankful to the voters for continuing to invest in Brevard Public Schools because without them this would not be possible,” said Superintendent Mark Rendell.
“We are focused on using these funds to help retain and attract top educators while also providing our students with increased access to programs.”
Brevard Federation of Teachers President Anthony Colucci thanked the community for stepping up and ensuring this pay increase for teachers.
“We are thrilled we will be able to address the compression issue that has been a district challenge for years. We are confident this will help with recruitment and retention of teachers in Brevard,” said Colucci.