Make Life Easier as a Bangladeshi Expat: A Brief Guide

By  //  September 28, 2024

Every expat understands the challenges of moving to another country and finding their place, and Bangladeshi expats are no different. Being an expat, adjusting to the new place and people is not the only problem.

Bangladeshi expats often struggle financially due to a combination of low-paying jobs, high living costs, and the need to send remittances back home. While facing these challenges, financial planning and budgeting can help manage living costs more effectively.

This guide can help every Bangladeshi expat become financially stable and gain control.

1.       Choose the Best Remittance Services

Several Bangladeshi expats can agree that they often have sent remittances back home. When it comes to sending their hard-earned money back home, they want to rely on the best companies to transfer money to Bangladesh.

Whether you are sending money from the UK, USA, or Australia, it is likely that you will have a plethora of options. However, it is important not to rely on the first service provider you come across, especially when you are trying to improve your financial management.

You should always compare exchange rates and fees from different remittance services. Research can help you identify providers with competitive rates and lower fees. Hence, you will always know which company to choose when sending money to Bangladesh. 

2.       Switch Providers

It can take some weeks, even months, for you to come across the best providers for any service. Whether you have been trying to find the best company for international transactions or reasonable mobile service providers, there is always a better option to choose from.

Instead of draining yourself financially to meet your basic needs, you must always keep an eye on the better options. In foreign countries, you can find several options for the same services and switch to cost-effective services to save money.

3.       Create a Budget

Anyone trying to save more money as an expat must create and follow a budget. While creating a personalized budget can take some time and a lot of effort, it can all be worth it for someone trying to save money as an expat.

Everyone has different jobs and, consequently, different earnings. It means that you should not just follow a generic budget made by a financial guru you follow. Instead, you must consider every unique financial factor in your life to come up with the best plan.

4.       Review Your Finances

After you have created your budget, the next important step is to review your finances step-by-step. If you are new to financial management, doing it every week is a good practice.

Reviewing your finances is the best practice to see where your money is coming from and when it goes. It can be your first step towards financial stability and gaining confidence as an expat. This way, you will be able to identify unnecessary expenses and cut them wherever necessary.

For example, reviewing finances helps many people find out any subscriptions they may not need anymore. Unsubscribing from these services can help them save more and use that money for better purposes.

5.      Pay Your Debts

Life can be challenging as an expat. Whether to pay rent or travel, several expats take loans. Taking loans can be a blessing in the moment. However, debts can keep growing over time and make financial management more challenging for Bangladeshi expats.

In order to avoid issues arising from unpaid debts, you must get this burden off of your shoulders as soon as possible. Otherwise, debts and interest can keep draining you financially.

It is always a good idea to start by paying bigger debts with more interest first and work your way to smaller loans. Even if it takes some time for you to pay bigger loans, you will eventually gain better control over your finances.

6.      Establish an Emergency Fund

Emergencies can arise without warning. Have you ever considered what you would do if your family members needed financial help in an emergency or if you lost your job while living abroad? If not, take a moment to think about how much financial instability you could face.

In order to cater to financial emergencies, you must have an emergency fund in order. An emergency fund is the best way to be prepared for any emergencies. Even if you do not have to use your emergency funds, you can always add the saved amount to your savings.

Having an emergency fund gives you a sense of confidence. It ensures that even in the most challenging times, you will always have a backup plan to protect your best interests. 

7.      Automate Your Savings

If you often forget to send a part of your salary to your savings, you are not alone. Several expats deal with the same problem, only to have regrets later.

Making notes on your phone or pasting chits on your fridge are not the only ways to ensure that you save a certain amount every month. Instead, the best practice is to automate your savings.

Automating your savings is the best way to ensure that a certain amount of your income goes to your savings. Even if you forget to send this amount to your savings manually, it will be taken care of automatically.

8.      Look for Investment Opportunities

As an expat, you may always be looking for ways to make and save more money. If so, you can understand that you must identify the best opportunities first to achieve your financial goals as a Bangladeshi expat.

Investment is a great way to grow your wealth. Of course, risks are an unavoidable part of investment. However, that does not mean that you must completely overlook investment opportunities.

Instead of fearing investment any longer, it is always recommended that you spend time understanding the risks and rewards. If the rewards are higher than the risks, take a leap of faith to grow financially.

9.      Follow Financial Experts

If you have been relying solely on your own financial understanding, it may be beneficial to expand your knowledge in order to improve your saving habits. Many financial experts are available to offer their expert advice to help expats save more.

Whether you subscribe to a blog or follow the social media accounts of financial experts, you will be able to save better when you learn from the best.

Some financial advisors are also open to addressing queries from their followers. You can reach out to them through mail or get in touch with them at a meet and greet session to excel at financial management.

10. Carry a Shopping List

Imagine this: you go to a grocery store to buy some flour and cocoa powder but return with a lot more than you needed. It is not uncommon for people to struggle with saving money because of bad shopping habits. If you are also facing this issue, consider carrying a shopping list with you every time you go shopping.

Having a shopping list with you when you shop can help you stay focused. Even if you see something you want, you can check your list to see if it is necessary. If it is not, you can avoid spending more than you need.