Best Way to Germinate Pot Seeds

By  //  October 27, 2021

Germinating marijuana seeds is no more difficult than germinating pepper or rosemary seeds, this may seem at first glance to an inexperienced grower. Let’s sit down and figure it out here.

Germinating cannabis seeds has its own nuances that a novice grower should be familiar with, and then your patience will be rewarded with a good harvest of hemp cones with a high concentration of THC.

How to germinate hemp seeds 

After deciding to become a grower, the question arises, how to germinate cannabis seeds? To successfully germinate seeds, 3 main components of the process must be taken into account:

 warm microclimate

clean fresh air

regular watering of plants

If you took into account all three factors, then germinating weed seeds will not take much time and effort. Only a few days will show the results of work invested in the germination of marijuana seeds.

The germination period of the seed depends on:

air temperatures

lighting quality

seed varieties

type of fertilizer and watering

The main rule is to maintain a balance in everything, namely not to overcome the illumination or moistening of the soil, otherwise the seed can simply die!

How to germinate in soil

By planting marijuana seeds at home, you can easily control the lighting, temperature and flavors emanating from cannabis. In an open area, your plants will not hide from the views of neighbors and will depend more on the weather conditions over which you are powerless.

Breeding begins with the choice of soil, it is better to choose a ready-made store option.

The acidity of the soil for the germination of cannabis seeds should not exceed pH 7.5.

The soil should be loose, with a base of moss, coconut or peat.

From fertilizers potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen (often already in the finished soil mixture).

For lighting, lamps are installed at a minimum of 250 W (preferably fluorescent). During germination, the lamps are installed at a low level, gradually lifting with an increase in the sprout.

The temperature for better germination in the soil is 18-27 °C with increased humidity.

How to germinate in water

This is a great way to germinate seed if the material has been stored for a long time, since the shell of the seed becomes harder over time.

To begin with, we place marijuana seeds in a glass with warm, clean (distilled) water. The shell will become softer, and the seeds will easily receive the moisture they need. Once the seeds have absorbed enough water, they should be immediately transferred to the soil, otherwise they may die as a result of oxygen loss.

How to germinate in a wet napkin

This is a fairly simple method of germinating marijuana seeds quickly and without much cost. Cannabis grains are placed between 2 parts of wet gauze, paper towel or napkins. Such a simple structure should be in a warm place. It is necessary to check and moisten marijuana seeds daily until the rod root is formed, after which the grain is placed in a pot of soil. 

It is important! Do not touch the roots of the seedling, as they are easy to damage.

Features of marijuana cultivation at home

To successfully grow cannabis at home, it is important not to make the 2 most gross mistakes of a novice grower:

Error # 1. Experimentation. Intuitive, incorrect actions and a lack of special knowledge about how to germinate seed and grow marijuana can harm the plant or even ruin it. Consult experienced growers more often and learn the relevant information online. More information about germinating weed seed you can find here.

Error # 2. Hurry. Beginners often miss important stages of cultivation, for example, creating the correct mode of lighting and temperature (differences of more than 10 degrees), maintaining the pH of the soil, watering, etc. As a result, the plant can be depressed.

We wish you the best in all your endeavors!