Mount Jab Church Seeks Permission for God Hates Ron Display at Florida Capitol Rotunda
By Space Coast Daily // February 5, 2022
God spoke directly to me, letting me know point blank, He hates Ron DeSantis, but loves Taco Tuesday. – Archbishop Chaz Stevens, Mount Jab Church
BOCA RATON, Fla., February 3, 2021 – Today, Mount Jab Church, Holy Church of the Vaccinated, sought the State of Florida’s permission to erect a six-foot God Hates Ron display in the Capitol Rotunda during Easter Week 2022.
The display, entitled “Buddy Christ Butt Plug Rosary Easter Sermon” is another example of the Church soundly enjoying our fundamental First Amendment rights for personal expression, including the freedom of speech, religion, and right to redress one’s grievances.
Writing to the Department of Management Services, Mount Jab Church notes, “While we didn’t descend like Moses or Mel Brooks from the mountain top, this idea came to directly from the Almighty himself, well assuming God is a voice in our head that sounds just like Morgan Freeman.”
“God, or Mr. Freeman if you prefer, was speaking through us to the Florida masses — both washed and unwashed — letting my fellow residents know that He hates Ron, and simply adores Taco Tuesday.”
Addressing possible messaging concerns, “So, when we asked Morgan, er God, if hate was too strong of a word, maybe God just despises Ron … maybe God thinks Ron is a serious bonehead, hell maybe he’d agree our Governor is a douche bag … maybe God just loathes the every-loving f*** out of Ron DeSantis.”
“Does God really hate Ron,” we asked the Almighty.
God’s answer? A resounding Hell yes, and also inquired about fish tacos.
The Church’s application requests Rotunda space for one week, starting April 11, 2022 at 9am.
About Mount Jab Church, Holy Church of the Vaccinated
Our role is to openly confront those who hold important positions, whether in government, business, society, or religious institutions.
Demanding change, we rise to the occasion, aware that our actions risk the status quo, our reputation or livelihood, and the wrath of those in power. We regard their welcomed opprobrium as vindication of our efforts.
About Archbishop Chaz “Not from Canterbury” Stevens
Chaz Stevens is an American entrepreneur, journalist, and well-known human rights and constitutional activist. Named one of the best activists in Broward County, Florida.
A long-time darling of the press, Chaz has routinely appeared on the Sunday front pages, and just about everywhere else.
Chaz is CEO and co-founder of ESADoggy.