Nats Spring Training Site Still In Flux
By Dave Nichols, District Sports Page // July 14, 2013
District Sports Page: 'options dwindling'
EDITOR’S NOTE: While local media pundits have the Washington Nationals leaving Brevard County after the 2014 Major League Baseball spring training season, more sophisticated observers such as Dave Nichols of the District Sports Page says, “Reading through the tea leaves of municipal governments in Florida, the Nats’ dreams (of moving) may have a hard time becoming reality.” Or, echoing the words of Yogi Berra, baseball’s celebrated philosopher, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over” in regard to the Nationals vacating Space Coast Stadium.
July 13, 2013: By Dave Nichols • District Sports Page

The Washington Nationals have not made it a secret they would like to leave Space Coast Stadium in Viera, Florida, and move into a new, state-of-the-art training complex more centrally located toward central Florida to increase the number of teams they can play during spring training.
Their lease runs through 2017, but can opt out at any time because they have paid Brevard County back for $7 million in construction bonds
Reading through the tea leaves of municipal governments in Florida, the Nats’ dreams may have a hard time becoming reality.