‘Parenting in Today’s World’ Workshop Set Oct. 14 at Brevard County School Board In Viera

By  //  September 26, 2017

free event includes continental breakfast

The 12th annual “Parenting in Today’s World” workshop will be held October 14 at the Brevard County School Board building, located in Viera from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Jackie Flynn, above, will be the keynote speaker and her inspiring talk is titled, Parenting with a Purpose.

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – The 12th annual “Parenting in Today’s World” workshop will be held October 14 at the Brevard County School Board building, located in Viera from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  

Jackie Flynn will be the keynote speaker and her inspiring talk is titled, Parenting with a Purpose.

Flynn will provide practical and inspiring information to help parents provide a physically and emotionally healthy environment for their children.  This workshop is for parents of children ages 3-18.

Following the keynote address, parents will be able to attend two breakout sessions.

The breakout session titles include:

• Social Media Awareness… What’s New Out There
• Navigating the Touch Topics
• Hidden in Plain Sight – What Parents Need to Know About Drug Abuse
• Educating Minds and Hearts
• Coping with Anxiety
• Positive Parenting Tips

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Brevard Public Schools Officials To Host Town Hall Meeting Sept. 28 At Viera High School

Translation is available upon request.  There will be two additional breakout sessions offered in Spanish.

This informative event is free and also includes a free continental breakfast prepared by the Cocoa High School Culinary program. Following the last session, participants will receive a parenting giveaway. This conference is for adults only, no child care will be available.

CLICK HERE to register, or contact Ginny Gleason at 321-633-1000 ext.389.