Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Cause Cancer and is There Life After Menopause?

By  //  May 21, 2018

With proper selection of hormonal pharmaceuticals and strict following of the doctor’s recommendations, hormones can become an elixir of life and a guarantee of good health. According to many respected doctors, a negative attitude towards hormonal therapy in menopause is a relic of the past.

With proper selection of hormonal pharmaceuticals and strict following of the doctor’s recommendations, hormones can become an elixir of life and a guarantee of good health. According to many respected doctors, a negative attitude towards hormonal therapy in menopause is a relic of the past.

To date, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a safe and effective method of maintaining women’s health in a good condition, regardless of the age. It is enough to read about National HRT about deficiency to understand the benefits of treatment.

Climacteric Syndrome – Analysis without Analysis

Due to a sharp change in the hormonal background, women feel powerful physiological changes and stress. Apart from the stressed emotional condition, females being in the climacteric period suffer the following problems:

  • abrupt weight gain; the body becomes swollen. Even skinny women risk to gain pounds of additional weight;
  • mood swings, which lead to quarrels with the spouse and conflicts in family life;
  • anxiety disorders, depression;
  • hyperglycemia;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • increased risk of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • gynecological problems (hyperplasia, myoma, endometriosis, etc.).

If you already face any of the above problems, it is a red flag for you, which means you should visit your doctor and undergo medical tests.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Is a Solution

Being targeted towards removing all unpleasant conditions associated with menopause, hormone replacement therapy includes drugs that compensate for the lack of estrogen and eliminate typical problems of climax. The therapy is complex; it influences many physiological processes and conditions.

The only problem that cannot be solved by hormone replacement therapy is depression. On the initial stages, when testosterone and cortisol cause increased anxiety and insomnia, synthetic substitutes for estrogen can help. However, it is better to treat depression with different pharmaceuticals, although hormone replacement therapy significantly improves the psychological state of a woman.

Indications & Contraindications

Due to inserting synthetic hormones, a number of health problems are solved:

  • the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
  • the walls of the vessels are protected from the adherence of cholesterol plaques;
  • mineralization and bone density increase;
  • weight stabilizes;
  • skin condition is improved;
  • the risk of developing malignant tumors decreases.

Hormone replacement therapy can eliminate all the abovementioned health problems. However, be aware that taking artificial hormones is a serious strain on the body. They cause increased blood clotting, which may cause a heart attack or stroke.

It is not recommended to undergo hormonal treatment when the following diseases are present:

  • hepatic or renal insufficiency;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • uterine myoma with severe bleeding;
  • oncological neoplasms of the female reproductive system;
  • endometriosis;
  • polycystic ovary;
  • lipid imbalance, high triglyceride content;
  • epilepsy, schizophrenia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rheumatism;
  • mastopathy.

For this reason, it is impossible to carry out independent treatment and take hormonal medications by someone else’s advice. This can cause serious damage to health. Consult with the doctor to select the best therapy for your specific case.