Test Verifies Voting System For Primary Election

By  //  July 31, 2012

Canvassing Board OK's Results

BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – Brevard County Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott said Monday voting system testing in preparation for the Primary Election on Aug. 14 has been completed successfully.

Florida Law requires this system review, known as Logic and Accuracy Testing, for all machines utilized during the canvass of Mail/Absentee Ballots, Early Voting, and in use at precincts on election day.

The test includes optical scan units and the ADA-compliant touch-screen voting devices. Testing lasted approximately five hours and was conducted under the supervision of the Brevard County Canvassing Board, comprised of Judge Kelly McKibben, Commissioner Chuck Nelson and Scott.

“The machines have been tested and are ready for deployment on Election Day,” Scott said.

Logic and Accuracy Testing is open to the public. Testing for the General Election on Nov. 6 will be held at 9 a.m. Oct. 22 at the Supervisor of Elections Office at the Viera Government Center.

For more information about Logic and Accuracy Testing or the Primary Election, call 321-633-2124 or visit www.VoteBrevard.com.