Israel Falls in Qualifier Final, but Team Plays for Much More
By Peter Kerasotis // September 24, 2012
Published: September 23, 2012
The New York Times
JUPITER, Fla. — Just an inning earlier, Jay Dermer waved the flag of Israel high over his head, holding both ends so that it stretched taut in triumphant fists. Israel had just taken a two-run lead against Spain in a World Baseball Classic qualifying game, and the 1,500 or so Jewish fans at Roger Dean Stadium on Sunday celebrated with equal parts pleasure and pride.

A half inning later, as Dermer marveled at the community of Jews who flocked to this minor league park, he talked about how comfortable it felt to be at a baseball game surrounded by skullcaps, mezuzas and Stars of David.
“You can make a Jewish joke here and get a laugh because people get it,” he said. “You can speak a little Yiddish and have people speak a little Yiddish back.”
Suddenly, Spain pushed across a pair of runs to take a one-run lead in the top of the fourth inning, and Dermer slumped.
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