Annual Holiday Parade Coming To Cocoa & Rockledge

By  //  December 8, 2012

Event Begins At 10 A.M. Saturday

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Brevard County Parks & Recreation is inviting the whole family to the annual Cocoa/Rockledge Holiday Parade oN Saturday, Dec. 8.

The Cocoa/Rockledge holiday parade will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8. (Shutterstock image)

This year the theme for the parades is “Celebrate the Season.”

Mindy from “Mike & Mindy in the Morning” on Lite Rock 99.3, a Clear Channel Radio Station will host the parade.

The Cocoa/Rockledge Holiday Parade will step off at 10 a.m.

The parade will go south from the Central Area Reference Library on Forrest Avenue to Florida Avenue and end at Rockledge High School.

For additional information about the parade, call 321-633-1874.