Cocoa Church Presenting Easter Cantata
By Space Coast Daily // March 19, 2013
Free Musical Event On Saturday, March 23
BREVARD COUNTY • COCOA, FLORIDA – The public is invited to an Easter cantata at the First United Methodist Church of Cocoa.
The cantata will start at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 23 at the church at 825 Forrest Avenue in Cocoa.
The annual musical event in celebration of the Lenten season will be presented by the First United Methodist Church Chancel Choir, Jim Bishop, Music Director and Dr. John MacDonald, organist.
“Praise the God of Resurrection” by Lloyd Larson sensitively blends scripture and six inspired musical selections, depicting the last days of Jesus’ earthly life.
Music Director Jim Bishop said he hopes the community will enjoy both the fellowship at dinner and the affirming message of the cantata.
“Our Chancel Choir is looking forward to sharing this powerful message of our faith,” said Bishop. “The cantata is a moving reminder of the power of the Living God.”
There is no admission fee for attending the cantata.
Prior to the cantata, a 5:30 p.m. barbecue dinner will be available in Hughlett Hall on the church grounds for $5 per person.
For more information about the Easter cantata or pre-performance dinner, call 321-636-4811.