Empty Bowls Dinner Helps Fight Community Hunger

By  //  March 1, 2013

$10 Cash Donation

BREVARD COUNTY • MELBOURNE, FLORIDA – The National Art Honor Society of Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy will be hosting an Empty Bowls Event/Dinner on Friday evening.

Participants in the Empty Bowls Dinner on Friday night in Melbourne will be able to keep their bowl, which has been made by Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy students. (Image courtesy of Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy)

The event will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. at Eau Gallie Park on the corner of Highland Avenue and Eau Gallie Boulevard in Melbourne on Friday, March 1.

The goal is to raise money to help organizations fight hunger and to raise awareness about the issues of hunger in our community.

Entertainment will be provided by Savannah Wind.

Dinner guests will be served a simple meal of soup and bread in a handmade ceramic bowl in exchange for a cash donation of $10 to fight hunger.

Guests will be able to keep their bowl as a reminder of the meal’s purpose.  Additional bowls will be available through a silent auction.

All profits from the event will be donated to the South Brevard Sharing Center, an organization devoted to helping families in need.

Donations for the dinner have been provided by The Soup Shop, Executive Catering, Sam’s Club, Publix and Space Coast Uniforms.