Titusville PD ‘Holiday Gift Grab’ A Big Success

By  //  December 19, 2013

a great experience for kids & volunteers Alike

Members of the Titusville Police Department were joined by Titusville Fire & Emergency Services, Youth Foundation volunteers, city employees and Police Explorers to help chaperone the kids. Chaperone’s were paired up with a child at the police department, bussed to McDonald’s for breakfast, and then taken to Wal-Mart where they were greeted by Santa. (Titusville Police image)

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — The Titusville Police Youth Foundation’s annual Holiday Gift Grab event took place last Saturday as 80 underprivileged kids from the community were provided an $80 gift card and a volunteer chaperone to assist in Christmas shopping.

Eighty underprivileged kids from our community were provided an $80.00 gift card and a volunteer chaperone to assist in Christmas shopping. Members of the Titusville Police Department were joined by Titusville Fire & Emergency Services, Youth Foundation volunteers, city employees and Police Explorers to help chaperone the kids.(TPD image)

Members of the Titusville Police Department were joined by Titusville Fire & Emergency Services, Youth Foundation volunteers, city employees and Police Explorers to help chaperone the kids.

Chaperone’s were paired up with a child at the police department, bussed to McDonald’s for breakfast and then taken to Wal-Mart where they were greeted by Santa.


Funding for the gift cards was provided by generous donations from Wal-Mart and the Youth Foundation’s fund raising efforts.

All of the police officers, firefighters and city employees volunteered their time for the event. Kennedy Space Center donated the buses and the breakfast was sponsored by an employee of McDonalds. (TPD image)

Several local businesses and private citizens also donated to the annual program.

“What a fantastic experience for both the children and the volunteers,” said Chief John Lau.

“It’s about giving back to the community and building relationships,” added Lau.

All of the police officers, firefighters and city employees volunteered their time for the event. Kennedy Space Center donated the buses and the breakfast was sponsored by an employee of McDonalds.

The children are chosen each year based on nominations from local churches who help identify families in need of assistance.