ABOVE VIDEO:Celebrity Chef Rory Schepisi previews her healthy cooking demonstration at the Diabetes Academy seminar hosted by Brevard Physicians Network, Medical Practitioners for Affordable Care and Novo Nordisk.
BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – Brevard Physicians Network, in conjunction with MPAC and Novo Nordisk, held their Diabetes Academy seminar to educate consumers on how to manage diabetes, and how to prepare easy, healthy meals that work with dietary goals.
“Southern Yankee” celebrity chef and restaurateur Rory Schepisi, best known as a finalist on “The Next Food Network Star,” and a Novo Nordisk Diabetes Educator, then led a cooking demonstration while she shared tips on how to season foods, using fresh herbs, and how to tweak recipes to make them your own.
The event was held at the Viera Holiday Inn in the Conference Center, located at 8298 N. Wickham Road in Melbourne.
While attendees dined on low-carb pepper-crusted chicken, creamy potato salad, cherry pie and other tasty dishes, diabetes educators Mariel Ley and Noreen Williams lead a seminar on testing for diabetes, setting blood sugar goals and the basics of healthy eating.
The seminar included a question and answer session on topics such as hyperglycemia, effects of medications on diabetes, and how to spread calories throughout the day.
“Southern Yankee” celebrity chef and restaurateur Rory Schepisi, best known as a finalist on “The Next Food Network Star,” and a Novo Nordisk Diabetes Educator, then led a cooking demonstration while she shared tips on how to season foods, using fresh herbs, and how to tweak recipes to make them your own.
Diabetes educators Mariel Ley and Noreen Williams lead a seminar on testing for diabetes, setting blood sugar goals and the basics of healthy eating. (SpaceCoastDaily.com image)
While preparing a low-carb pepper crusted chicken dish, Chef Schepisi also demonstrated how to prepare a tropical Caribbean salsa using pineapple, mango and papaya.
“My goal is to get people back in the kitchen, and help people realize that by making a dish ourselves, we allow what ingredients we put in our bodies,” said Schepisi.
“We can make a simple dish in 10 minutes – which is just as easy as getting in the car and going to a drive-through.”
“In conjunction with Novo Nordisk, BPN and MPAC brought in Schepisi, plus diabetes educators, to help consumers take some control over their health, and learn how to control the disease of diabetes.
Cindy Hambidge
“We hope to help educate some pre-diabetic consumers, and help them not become a statistic,” said Cindy Hambidge, vice president of provider relations for Brevard Physicians Network.
After the diabetes seminar, attendees were happy to receive raffle prizes that included cookbooks and “portion plates,” which are plates that indicate the proper mix of vegetables and meat for a typical meal.
For more information about Brevard Physicians Network log on to BPNIPA.org. For more information about Medical Practitioners for Affordable Care log on to MPACACO.org
Chef Rory Schepisi demonstrates cooking low-carb pepper-crusted chicken.Attendees enjoyed a Chef-prepared low carbohydrate lunch.Royanna Roy and Paula Jessamine enjoy the seminar presentation.LEFT TO RIGHT: Jason Eichlon, Shawn Palmer, Amy Cales, Brian Carroll, and Karen Stankus of Novo Nordisk welcomed attendees.The audience listens to Noreen Williams speak on diabetes management.