Dr. Mark Pinsky: Mosquito Season Is On Its Way, Take Precaution To Avoid Disease
By Dr. Mark Pinsky // April 20, 2016
ZIKA virus has now set its sights on the U.S.

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – With the onset of the hot, humid rainy season, there is a tremendous concern about mosquito borne illnesses. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 50 percent of the world’s population is at risk to contract a mosquito borne illness.
Omar Akbari, PhD. From the University of California Riverside suggests that, “mosquitoes are perhaps the most dangerous animals in the world. They are the primary vectors for major human disease such as Yellow Fever, Malaria and Dengue Fever.”
As I reported a couple of weeks ago, ZIKA virus has now set its sights on the U.S. and the number of cases and states affected are growing. This virus is not new to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) which first learned about it in the middle of the 20th century.
The virus was first discovered in a rhesus monkey in the ZIKA forest of UGANDA. The virus has now been reported in 24 countries since 2015. The fear with ZIKA as with all mosquito borne viruses is that they have the potential for rapid spread.
Mosquitoes spread disease by consuming blood from their victims. They use this blood for their benefit and inject their saliva into humans which contains the illness they spread.
The exciting news about the war against mosquitoes is that there is tremendous promise on the horizon. Researchers are now attempting to introduce GENES into the most common mosquitoes in the US that are responsible for the spread of disease.
The theory is that by a very complicated mechanism, this will prevent future generations of mosquitoes from transmitting deadly viruses. A lot more research is needed to understand the biology of the mosquito, however, before this becomes feasible.
In the mean time, a common sense approach is still the predominant treatment.
Avoid travel to areas known to have mosquito known disease. Whenever possible, vaccinate before traveling to these areas. Wear protective clothing to as much as your skin as possible, and limit your time outside at dusk or after dark. The use of DEET is controversial, but still remains a mainstay of treatment.
Safe travels, and have a happy, healthy summer.
Dr. Mark Pinsky has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years and is the director of the Pinsky Family and Sports Medicine Center in Viera, Florida, where he provides one-on-one care to his patients.

“My goal is to educate patients about their medical conditions so they can learn how to prevent disease or minimize complications from their existing conditions,” said Dr. Pinsky.
Dr. Pinsky is board certified in Family Medicine by the American Academy of Family Medicine and completed his doctorate degree from the University Of Health Sciences College Of Osteopathic Medicine in Kansas City, Missouri. His family practice residency was served at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.
In addition, Dr. Pinsky completed a sports medicine fellowship in Cleveland, Ohio with Lutheran Medical Center in conjunction with Horizon Orthopedics; the team physicians for the Cleveland Indians. He also has a certificate of additional qualifications in Sports Medicine from the American Academy of Family Practice. Dr. Pinsky also speaks nationally for several pharmaceutical companies.
Dr. Pinsky has worked closely with high school, college, Olympic and professional athletes. During his 20-year career in Brevard County, Florida, he has served as the team physician for several high schools.
Currently, Dr. Pinsky provides care for Viera High School athletes, and is a partner of Medical Associates of Brevard.
Dr. Pinsky is dedicated to patient-centered care through MDVIP, a nationwide network of physicians whose sole purpose is to provide superior individualized healthcare.
MDVIP makes patient medical issues their top priority. As an MDVIP physician, Dr. Pinsky takes pride in doing just that for each and every patient in his practice.
FOR MORE INFORMATION about Dr. Mark Pinsky log on to PinskyWellness.com