Florida Fish and Wildlife Officers Assist Seaplane During Emergency Lake Landing

By  //  April 13, 2016

Lt. Joseph Brooks, Officer Ryan Smith Assist

Imagine the surprise of a pilot-in-training when, while flying a seaplane, the carburetor failed and he and the pilot had to make an emergency landing on a lake. Fortunately, FWC Lieutenant Joseph Brooks and Officer Ryan Smith were there to help. (FWC image)
Imagine the surprise of a pilot-in-training when, while flying a seaplane, the carburetor failed and he and the pilot had to make an emergency landing on a lake. Fortunately, FWC Lieutenant Joseph Brooks and Officer Ryan Smith were there to help. (FWC image)

On land or water, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is there to help.

Imagine the surprise of a pilot-in-training when, while flying a seaplane, the carburetor failed and he and the pilot had to make an emergency landing on a lake.

Fortunately, FWC Lieutenant Joseph Brooks and Officer Ryan Smith were there to help.

The officers met the seaplane and safely brought the very grateful pilot and trainee to shore.

The plane was towed to the dock, the malfunctioning carburetor was replaced and the thankful pilots flew off into the wild blue yonder.