CRIME WATCH: 68 Percent of Murders Occur In Just 5 Percent of Nation’s Counties
By Catherine Townsend, Crimefeed // May 8, 2017
54 percent of counties had zero murders

( – The majority of murders in the U.S. take place in a tiny percentage of counties across the country, according to a new report.
The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) said that there is a “geographical concentration” of murders, with 68 percent of killings occurring in just 5 percent of the nation’s counties.
The highest numbers of murders were concentrated in higher-population areas around major cities like Chicago and Baltimore.
By contrast, around 70 percent of the counties, which accounted for 20 percent of the U.S. population, had no more than one murder in 2014 — and 54 percent of counties had zero murders.
“It is stunning how concentrated murders are in the U.S.,” John Lott, president of the CPRC said to Fox News.
“And we show that even within these counties, with all these high rates, murders are very concentrated.”
He also added that, “These high (rate) counties have very large areas where there are no murders.”
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