NASA Technology You Use All The Time

By  //  January 4, 2020

We often think of space technology as out of reach science fiction objects that could never possibly find their way into our lives. Why would NASA’s inventions end up anywhere near regular people?

We often think of space technology as out of reach science fiction objects that could never possibly find their way into our lives. Why would NASA’s inventions end up anywhere near regular people? 

Well, the answer is pretty simple, while space technology may be sent to travel outside of Earth, it is still made for people. 

That’s why many of the inventions created to solve astronauts or the machine requirements in space can be found: in our very own homes heating up our food, in our pockets letting us visit and even on our own body as clothing. 

Here are a few things you do that you can thank NASA for: 

Take your games with you 

The idea of taking an operating system with you anywhere was first accomplished back in the ’80s.

Thanks to this advancement in computers you can now play casino games anywhere, can play on more sophisticated slot machines, with additional modes of playing where invented, and you can take do it outside a physical casino, taking your entertainment system anywhere you want, on your computer or smartphone. 

Play sports 

The athletic shoe that we know and love today comes from the rubber used to absorb shock in space helmets, that how space equipment became the literal basis of the modern athletic footwear.

We use the footwear everywhere and to do anything, but the most important thing is that athletic shoes had a great impact on sports, how they were playa on what athletes could do with their skills now that they had the right equipment. 

Light up your world  

This lighting method was created initially to help grow different crops in space, where they primarily used red lights in agriculture.

Now you can find them anywhere, lighting up game halls at arcades, the busy casinos, streets and even as skin treatments.

A camera on your phone 

Yeah, you can thank the astronauts for those Instagram likes (kind of). In the 1990s a team at Jet Propulsion Laboratories (NASA’s specialized lab), worked to create a camera small enough to fit into a spacecraft and take images with sufficient quality. Nowadays 1 in every 3 smartphones uses this technology. 

A gym at home 

Treadmills and other stationary workout equipment are merely a copy of the machines used to keep astronauts in shape while on long space missions.

The equipment is part of the agency’s effort to prevent health issues while crews are exposed to zero-gravity environments.

No wire needed

Next time you take that phone call with you to another room, remember to thank the team at NASA that made it possible. Wireless headsets were created to allow space crews to communicate easily with the teams on earth. They now are used by busy callers, gamers, and joggers all around the globe. 

Great minds have given us some of the biggest steps made in human history, but also endless possibilities for enjoying life on Earth.

The inventions mentioned have made it easier for people to take their games, hobbies, and interest to another level, whether in space or on Earth.