Survival Tips Everyone Should Know Before Camping

By  //  March 29, 2020

Embarking on a camping trip is an exciting opportunity to rekindle with nature and enjoy the pleasures of being outdoors.

Now, whether you’re going alone or with friends, having practical knowledge of basic survival skills is an absolute must.

Because venturing into the wilderness unprepared can be perilous, a great deal of perseverance, adaptability, and resourcefulness will be required of you to get the ultimate experience. Needless to say, you’ll also need the right equipment!

From packing essentials to navigation and more, it’s always best to have all your bases covered. Without further ado, here’s a friendly guide with some essential tips and tricks for your next camping adventure. 

Get a Quality Tent

For starters, any worthy camper knows the importance of investing in a durable, high-quality tent. It should be waterproof and large enough to accommodate you and all your gear inside.

Whether you’re camping in the forest or on the mountainside, there are loads of options available on the market suitable for all budgets to shelter you properly. You will also need a sleeping bag, blankets, and a pillow to sleep comfortably and stay dry.

For instance, if you need a tent, simply click here.

Starting a Fire

Getting a fire going is an essential skill for any camper in the wilderness. It will help you stay warm, cook food, and keep predators away.

Now, there are several ways to start a fire, but we recommend a fire-starting pistol for readiness and convenience. Irrespective of your survivalist expertise, Survival Front is bound to be a useful resource for anyone looking to prepare themselves for an upcoming trip.

In general, consulting specialized websites and reviews is a great way to learn more or update your survival skills.

Prepare an Emergency Health Kit

It goes without saying that outdoor environments can be ruthless. They present many hazards and risks for injuries such as falls, cuts, burns, bruises, and bites, just to name a few.

As such, a well-reasoned camper will want to be prepared in cases of emergencies. To do that, you will need a dedicated first-aid kit consisting of antiseptic, bandages, scissors, tweezers, and so on.

In order to be even more prepared for any emergencies, you should also consider getting certified in first-aid

There are many all-inclusive and affordable options you can shop for online or at your local pharmacy. A bottle of insect repellent would also be very helpful.

Packing Essentials

To be a great outdoorsman, it’s always a good initiative to go in well-prepared and geared up.

In that optic, your gear bag should comprise the following life-saving items:

• Knife — Carrying a sharp knife on your belt or in your backpack is a priority in wild settings. From chopping wood to killing prey and preparing food, it will come in handy in all situations.

• Compass — To navigate your way around the area, you will want a compass device in your pocket at all times to avoid getting lost.

• Flashlight/Lantern — The darkness naturally brings uncertainty and danger. As such, you will want to get a strong and long-lasting light source to find your way and stay illuminated throughout the night.

• Proper Clothing — Regardless of your chosen camping site, packing extra warm and comfortable clothes will be immensely useful, especially if the weather decides to suddenly get capricious.

• Sleeping Bag – You will also need the best rectangular sleeping bag, blankets, and a pillow to sleep comfortably and stay dry. 

Water and Food

It’s imperative to stay hydrated and well-fed throughout your camping adventure. To that end, one of the most useful things you can purchase is a portable water purification device — it will help you disinfect and sanitize any water that you would collect from ponds or lakes, making it safe for drinking.

As for food, you have several options; hunters will find open nature to be a formidable ground for finding meat. Otherwise, it’s best to prepare nutritious meals in advance and freeze them.

Store them in an icebox and use a large container to heat them above the campfire. Also, never leave food in your tent; this will attract hungry wild guests.


Last but not least, any survivalist needs a few things to unwind after a long day of hiking, swimming, hunting, or fishing. Pack a book or a magazine, crosswords, puzzles, card games, or any other tech-free commodity that will help you relax and fight the boredom (if any!).

Ultimately, camping is an all-time favorite activity. Nothing beats immersing yourself in nature to enjoy its raw beauty and reconnect with your primal self.

That said, it does not come without risks. So, before you leave the comfort of your home, especially for the uninitiated, always make sure you’ve researched enough and that you’ve packed along all the necessary gear for a fruitful and memorable experience!