Benefits of CBD Oil That Might Change Your Mind About It

By  //  April 15, 2020

CBD oil has been all over the news lately. Everybody has been talking about this miracle cure that does everything under the sun.

CBD oil has been all over the news lately. Everybody has been talking about this miracle cure that does everything under the sun.

Now, while CBD oil and various cannabis products are pretty amazing, it is important to sparse out the truth from the sensational.

When that kind of sensation hits the airwaves, a lot of us—especially those of an older generation, tend to scoff in favor of the government approved, low risk, and “proven” compounds.

Here we’re going to discuss some of the very real benefits of CBD oil and how it’s being used by everyday people just like us. Hopefully it will push away a lot of that sensationalist zealotry that’s been buzzing around anything relating to cannabis, and leave you with something good and wholesome. 


CBD has only been recently let out into the market. It’s a barrier from legality regardless of its total lack of psychoactive properties due to some strange laws dating back to the turn of the century and William Randolph Hearst.

Because it’s so new on the market, it’s been proven to be safe to consume by pretty much everyone.

That’s the first step. Now, a few years after its release into the market, scientists have found it to be very effective against various types of seizures.

According to big industry players at cheefbotanicals, it is so effective that those not responding to medication were able to find relief from the paralyzing and excruciating bouts caused by their disease. The mechanism of action is still being studied in multiple tests all over the United States. 

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain affects more individuals all over the world than any other musculoskeletal disorder or complaint. It is the gold standard for older individuals in terms of predictable diseases.

Lower back pain affects more individuals all over the world than any other musculoskeletal disorder or complaint. It is the gold standard for older individuals in terms of predictable diseases.

When put to the test, CBD offered promising results. It had apparently reduced the pain in the lower back primarily due to inflammation or arthritis.

This is a godsend for people all across the world that suffer from these kinds of aches and often debilitating ailments. The CBD didn’t even have to be taken orally. It was applied as a balm directly to the affected area And it found its way to the nerves. 

Decrease Inflammation 

The larger implication of CBD is that it has the potential to decrease certain types of inflammation. That’s not to say that it will solve any inflammatory disorders or cure anything.

The processes through which CBD can help are studied primarily as a means to lessen pain and symptoms, but are not shown to cure it. That’s fine. There is a whole world of inflammation-related pain that can do away with some of the more insidious drugs. 

When you have something like this over the counter that doesn’t involve manipulating the senses with hot or cold sensations, it’s pretty wild and worth a look. CBD isn’t going anywhere.

It’s going to be further tested and even more solidly understood. Hopefully this has shed some light on the new crazy surrounding of the CBD.

If you’re not convinced, that’s okay. More studies will be available. Then again, as a non-toxic and non-psychoactive substance, there’s really nothing to lose.