Remote Proctoring: Get An Objective Assessment of Candidates’ Skills

By  //  July 1, 2022

Online remote proctoring software is widely used in the workplace nowadays. It provides a secure way to test employees without having them come into the office. The technology has made testing more accurate and easier for employers. In this article, we will give you some reasons why it is important and how to use it.

What is online proctoring?

Online proctoring is a service that provides secure, reliable, and accurate remote testing. The service is offered by many different companies and institutions. The most common use of online proctoring is for final exams or college entrance exams.

Online proctoring makes it possible to take a test remotely while still ensuring the test taker’s identity and the integrity of the exam process. Today, it is a critical asset in HR’s toolbox and online pre-employment skill testing has statistically proven to most corporations it’s worth — giving them higher quality hires, and finding them key talents to help in their efforts. 

Remote proctoring is one of the most popular innovations in the field of education and recruitment. Remote proctoring is a big help for hiring specialists who need to objectively – even remotely – evaluate a candidate’s skills. Along with psychometric testing – a subfield of online pre-employment skills testing – this type of test is critical in a company’s effort to mitigate their risk exposure when hiring a new candidate. It helps get better talent and one that’s less likely to quit after a while — help HR when it comes to their retention tactics. 

The remote proctoring process includes three steps:

1) The candidate logs into the system and starts their session.

2) The candidate answers each question on the screen and clicks submit when finished.

3) The system captures all input from the candidate or employee and sends it to a proctor, who monitors the candidates’ responses.

Benefits of proctoring for the work of HR managers and recruiters

Remote proctoring benefits are numerous. For HR managers and recruiters, the process of proctoring can be a time-saving measure as it is a way to automate the work.

HR managers and recruiters have to ensure that all the candidates are qualified for the job by checking each one’s qualifications and background. They have to make sure that all their records are complete and up-to-date, which can be an arduous task for them. Proctors can do this task for them by accessing their database and uploading the required data on behalf of HR managers and recruiters.

The process also helps in maintaining uniformity in data quality across different databases. It ensures that there is no discrepancy between what is uploaded on one database versus another database since they are both being uploaded.


Remote proctoring reduces employees’ and possible candidates’ stress levels. Why? Because oddly enough they feel less intimidated. Not only that, but they can work on the exams when it best suits them. Studies have shown that these types of software and platforms can make candidates more stress-resilient. 

Secure environment 

This type of software ensures a safe examination ambiance. It edits out the chance of cheating or any other type of discrepancy. Not only does it eliminate these factors, but it also assures candidates that they are being tried in a fair environment. One of the biggest issues HR constantly has to deal with is their own biases. Most people aren’t aware of them, but they – at an unconscious level – affect the hiring process. This type of software mitigates that possibility.

Reduce cost

Online proctoring reduce costs in several ways:

 Online proctoring minimizes the need for physical space.

Online proctors are typically less expensive than human proctors because they don’t require salaries or benefits.

Online proctors also reduce the need to hire and train HR members who would otherwise have to supervise exams in person.

Online proctors can monitor many candidates at once, meaning they can take more exams per hour than a human proctor could ever hope to do on their own.

Online proctoring eliminates the need for candidates to commute and wait in lines before taking an exam.

These are just some of the ways online proctoring helps out HR departments when it comes to reducing costs. 

Increased Employee efficacy 

Online proctoring allows employees to complete their work on their own time and at their own pace. They can take breaks, go for a walk, or even have lunch while they complete the tasks. This has been shown to increase employee efficacy and productivity.

Employees can also use online proctoring as a way to get ahead of schedule by completing tasks ahead of time. This is because they can work on their schedule rather than being forced into an office environment where there is less distraction and fewer distractions that could make them lose focus.

Cheating the proctoring system 

The proctoring system is designed to make sure that the employee and candidate accessing it are in a supervised environment and are unable to cheat by any means. This can be done by monitoring their keystrokes and mouse movements, making sure that no one else is present in the room, checking for wireless devices, or even reading their facial expressions.