Rockledge Rotary to Host Ceremony for International Peace Pole at Larry L. Schultz Park Thursday at 10 a.m.

By  //  January 31, 2024

Larry L. Schultz Park is located at 2560 S. Fiske Boulevard in Rockledge

The Rotary Club of Rockledge announced the dedication ceremony for the new International Peace Pole at Larry L. Schultz Park on Thursday, Feb. 1. A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire humankind, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.

A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire humankind, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.

BREVARD COUNTY • ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA – The Rotary Club of Rockledge announced the dedication ceremony for the new International Peace Pole at Larry L. Schultz Park on Thursday, Feb. 1.

The event is set to begin at 10 a.m. at Larry L. Schultz Park, located at 2560 S. Fiske Boulevard in Rockledge.

The dedication ceremony, open to the public, will be a celebration of peace. A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire humankind, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth.

“In our shared journey towards a brighter world for our children and grandchildren, Rotary and our global community come together, fueled by the common longing for peace. We all have the same goal, we want peace,” said Douglas Heizer, Rotary District 6930 Governor.

“The Peace Poles, standing tall and proud, embody not only our shared vision but also Rotary’s unwavering commitment to fostering goodwill. As Rotarians, we keep turning the wheel of peace, contributing to the collective effort to create a more peaceful world for everyone. Despite our differences, we are bound by the universal dream of building a world where peace reigns for all children, today and tomorrow.”

The Peace Pole embodies the message “May peace prevail on earth” in eight languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Hebrew, Hindi, French, and Braille. Nestled within the serene 7.5-acre Larry L. Schultz Park, the Peace Pole will serve as a beacon of peace for the community.

“The goal is to restore hope — to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves,” said Rotary International President Gordon McInally.

The Rotary Club of Rockledge announced the dedication ceremony for the new International Peace Pole at Larry L. Schultz Park on Thursday, Feb. 1. A Peace Pole is an internationally recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire humankind, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth..

The Rotary Club of Rockledge, in line with McInally’s theme for 2023-2024, “Create Hope in the World,” aims to capture the world’s attention and lead the way toward a brighter future.

The Peace Pole Dedication is a testament to Rotary’s commitment to promoting peace and fostering positive change in the community.

“While it may appear simplistic, the concept of a peace pole catalyzing peace underscores the impact of consistent reminders in fostering a deep-seated appreciation for peace. The resonance of this peace pole will transcend cultural and geographical boundaries, delivering a singular yet powerful message: ‘May peace prevail on earth,'” added Angela Neal, Rockledge Rotary President 2023 – 2024.

Rockledge Rotary Service Chair Shawn Bassham states, “in the spirit of Rotary we place this Peace Pole to reach the hearts of our community members in Rockledge. We know that peace through love brings hope to all those we engage. We hope you will drop by Larry Schultz Park with your family and remind each other to seek peace within and without.”

“As a Rockledge Rotarian, I am proud of our club for spearheading this peace pole. I truly believe peace starts with every individual and with the education of our youth. If we teach peace, our hope is it will result in future peace. This pole stands as a symbol to help start the conversation of peace,” shared Duane Daski, Rockledge Rotarian.

“As a community leader, I am proud of our community for allowing this symbol of peace. It helps foster community and the peace that results in a better community for all of us.”

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