U.S. Coast Guard Sets Port Condition ‘Yankee’ at Port Canaveral Due to Hurricane Helene

By  //  September 25, 2024

The U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) has set Port Condition “YANKEE” for Port Canaveral.

BREVARD COUNTY • PORT CANAVERAL, FLORIDA – The U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port (COTP) has set Port Condition “YANKEE” for Port Canaveral due to Hurricane Helene.

Sustained gale force winds are predicted within 24 hours.

Port Canaveral is open and conducting limited Port operations and preparing for the closure of waterside and vessel shoreside Port operations.

Vessel owners and operators should take immediate decisive action to comply with Port orders to ensure the safety of their vessels, crews and/or facilities.

Port Canaveral officials announced on Wednesday that due to the effects of Hurricane Helene, the port is anticipating that cruise vessels scheduled to arrive at Port Canaveral on Friday, Sept. 27 will be delayed.

These delays will likely impact guest embarkation times for outbound sailings.

All cruise guests planning to sail from Port Canaveral on Friday, Sept. 27 or Saturday, Sept. 28 are advised to contact their cruise lines to confirm their embarkation and ship’s departure time.