Education System in the New South Wales
By Space Coast Daily // March 27, 2023
New South Wales is a top education hall and a destination for studying abroad. Knowing about the education system in New South Wales will help you gain a better understanding of the world-class educational facilities, resources and colleges in New South Wales.
Today, we’ll give you an overview of the NSW education system.
Education stage in New South Wales
In NSW, education stages are distributed as follows:
- Pre-school education: pre-kindergarten (optional)
- Primary education: Kindergarten to Grade 6
- Secondary education: Grades 7 through 12
In NSW, students who successfully complete Years 11 and 12 are awarded a Higher School Certificate (HSC). This certificate is internationally recognized and is necessary for students to enter colleges and universities, vocational schools, or employment. After completing secondary school, students who want to study further can also apply for the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR); this ranking is based on the student’s academic performance in grades 11 and 12 and covers students from all over Australia.
To enroll in a course at NSW universities or TAFEs, you must meet the Entry Requirements:
Most tertiary institutions require students to have an ATAR or its international equivalent as part of their entry requirements.
TAFE (Technical And Further Education, Vocational and Technical Education Institute) and private vocational education and training institutions (Vocational Education And Training, referred to as VET) usually require students to have HSC or equivalent international certificates and may need to provide proof of work skills. Students who want to take English language courses, are usually required to have a basic level of English.
Frequently Asked Questions about NSW Education
- What is the language of instruction in Australia?
English is the official language of Australia and the primary language of instruction in most educational institutions. Some educational institutions offer bilingual programs in languages including French, German, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese, and Vietnamese.
If you want to find a NSW institute providing bilingual education, you can directly contact the institution of your choice to find out whether bilingual education is available.
- After finishing secondary school, which educational institutions can international students choose?
There are a variety of education options after secondary education (Years 7 to 12), including vocational education and training (VET) institutions such as TAFE institutions, private Registered Training Organizations (RTOs), and universities, as well as private higher education providers (Private Higher Education Providers, referred to as HEPs). You can choose one type of institution to study based on your need and grades. To search for the institutions in New South Wales, you can use School Finder.
- Which schools and courses are registered and recognized in NSW?
You can browse all institutions and courses eligible to enroll international students on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). Every international student program must have a CRICOS code registered and recognized in Australia (and NSW).
- What academic qualifications can be obtained by studying in NSW?
NSW offers qualifications at all levels, from VET certificates, bachelor’s degree certificates to postgraduate certificates. Some institutions also provide short-term or intensive courses for international students that are not part of the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework, Australian qualifications review system), such as English language colleges and VET institutions.
To know more information about NSW education system or Australian education, you can visit This is a website full of news and tips about studying in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.