Jupiter Elementary School Earns Prestigious ECTAC ‘Exceeding Expectation’ Award
By Space Coast Daily // February 18, 2024
education spotlight
BREVARD COUNTY • PALM BAY, FLORIDA – Brevard Public Schools is thrilled to announce that Jupiter Elementary School has been selected as one of the recipients of the prestigious East Coast Technical Assistant Center “Exceeding Expectation” Award.
This recognition comes as a testament to the hard work, dedication, and academic excellence exhibited by the Jupiter Elementary school community during the 2021-2022 school year.
“Being recognized as an Exceeding Expectations School is a huge honor. I’m deeply proud of my students, teachers, and staff for their outstanding efforts;” remarked Jupiter Principal Troisi.
“At Jupiter, our mission is to Reach Every Student, Every Day, and our Jupiter family is dedicated to this mission, putting in daily effort to ensure its fulfillment.”
In 2012, ECTAC initiated the Exceeding Expectations (E2) Project; which aimed at recognizing Title I schools making remarkable strides in improving student achievement. Following a temporary pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Exceeding Expectations Project and Conference are returning this year, celebrating schools from across the state.
Since the State of Florida transitioned to the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) testing during the 2022-2023 school year, ECTAC utilized the 2021-2022 School Grade Data to identify eligible schools.
Of 3,409 schools assessed, only 35 met the criteria established by ECTAC and the E2 steering committee.
These criteria included factors such as English and Language Arts (ELA) and Math Achievement/Proficiency (FSA data), ELA and Math Learning Gains (compared to 2019 FSA data), achievement/proficiency in Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Student Groups/Subgroups, School Grade/School Grade History, and the percentage of Economically Disadvantaged Students.
Criteria were tailored to different school types, including Elementary, Middle, High, and Combination schools.
In addition to quantitative data, eligible schools needed to complete a Commitment to Participate Survey, outlining specific programs and practices contributing to their success.
This additional information validated the data and provided insight into each school’s achievements.
Reflecting on the challenges faced during the 2021-2022 school year, School Board Member Katye Campbell, District 5, expressed pride in Jupiter Elementary’s achievement.
“I am so proud of the work done by Ms. Troisi and the team at Jupiter. They are passionate about meeting the needs of the students in the community and striving for success despite any obstacles.
2021-22 was not an easy year to find success since we were still coming out of the COVID fall off, so this recognition is particularly special.”
Moving forward, Jupiter Elementary remains committed to its mission of providing quality education and fostering student success, while continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of its students and community.