Brevard Supervisor of Elections VOTE To End Childhood Hunger Bake Sale, Raffle To Be Held May 23

By  //  April 21, 2017

Bake sale, raffle May 23 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at various election offices throughout Brevard Coutny

In June of 2015, Supervisor of Elections Lori Scott and her staff proudly presented a $6,010 check today to United Way/Project Hunger. Among those present for the check presentation were Liz Lee of United Way and Project Hunger committee members Dick Beagley, Bunny Finney, Darcia Jones Francey, Delores Spearman and Jonnie Swann. (Image for Space Coast Daily)

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – Lori Scott, Brevard County Supervisor of Elections, announced this year’s “VOTE to End Childhood Hunger” Bake Sale and Raffle will be held on Tuesday, May 23.

The Titusville, Melbourne, Viera and Palm Bay Elections office locations will each be holding bake sales and selling raffle tickets from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. that day.

Supervisor Scott believes that no child should ever go hungry. Funds raised through her annual bake sale benefit Project Hunger, a Brevard nonprofit organization that aids undernourished children in the county.

“I am incredibly proud of my staff and our generous community that we have been able to raise $17,000 since our first bake sale in 2009,” said Supervisor Scott.

“It is an honor to partner with Project Hunger again this year to ensure the children of Brevard County receive the nutrition needed to maintain healthy minds and bodies.”

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Supervisor Scott invites local businesses to participate by contributing: gift certificates, raffle basket items, baked goods, cash donations, paper products or baking supplies.

Organizations interested in contributing items to the Bake Sale and Raffle should contact Jessica Santamaria, Outreach Coordinator, at 321-690-6850 or by email:


ABOVE VIDEO: Supervisor Scott does so much for charities on the Space Coast in Brevard County. Last June she danced for charity in the second annual Dancing For The Space Coast.