Economic Crime Unit: ‘Aggressive Prevention Program’
By Wayne Ivey, Brevard County Sheriff // August 7, 2013
combating financial crimes
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA — The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce the creation of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Economic Crimes Unit and Task Force.
The Economic Crimes Unit/Task Force is comprised of an investigative Sergeant, eight full-time investigators, a computer forensics specialist and a Financial Crimes Analyst.
Three of the investigators are from our partnership with the Titusville Police Department, Melbourne Police Department and the Palm Bay Police Department. The Unit is dedicated to a team approach of combating financial crimes, which creates effective communication and collaboration.
This partnership greatly enhances law enforcement’s ability to protect and aggressively pursue those who victimize our residents.
In addition, we have partnered with our Federal counterparts (FBI, IRS and the United States Attorney’s Office) to effectively pursue all violators while eliminating all jurisdictional boundaries.
The advocacy program will provide victims with the resources needed to recover from their losses. Lastly, our investigative efforts will identify and arrest those who prey upon our citizens.
The Economic Crime Unit is responsible for investigating identity theft, exploitation of elderly, schemes to defraud, income tax fraud, public assistance fraud, money laundering, and/or any substantial fraudulent type crimes where the victims suffer a loss.
An integral component of the Unit is the full time assignment of an attorney from the State Attorney’s Office. This partnership allows for the successful prosecution of difficult investigations that require expertise of all involved.
This initiative, through a three-prong approach of coordinated efforts in the areas of aggressive investigation, victim advocacy and prevention will demonstrate a “Best Practice” approach to combating this pressing problem.
Through an aggressive prevention program we will provide our citizens with the information needed to protect themselves from ever becoming a victim.
Our advocacy program will provide victims with the resources needed to recover from their losses. Lastly, our investigative efforts will identify and arrest those who prey upon our citizens.
The Unit was created using existing personnel with no additional financial impact to the citizens of Brevard.
For information about this program call 321-633-8410
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey has been a law enforcement officer for over three decades. Sheriff Ivey is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and has a Bachelor’s Degree from Daytona State College in Management and Supervision. Sheriff Ivey’s background in law enforcement is inclusive of Management, Criminal Investigations, Narcotics, Patrol Services, Public Integrity Investigations, and Corrections.
Prior to being elected in 2012, Sheriff Ivey served the citizens of the State of Florida as a Resident Agent in Charge for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. As a member of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Sheriff Ivey developed and created the country’s first ever statewide Task Force on Identity Theft.
That same year the Task Force was named one of the top five most innovative programs in the country by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and investigated approximately 44 million dollars in fraud cases. Additionally, as a member of FDLE, Sheriff Ivey created the Child Abduction Response Team (C.A.R.T) that re-defined the way Child Abduction cases are conducted throughout the country today.
Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey has been a law enforcement officer for over three decades. Sheriff Ivey is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and has a Bachelor’s Degree from Daytona State College in Management and Supervision. Sheriff Ivey’s background in law enforcement is inclusive of Management, Criminal Investigations, Narcotics, Patrol Services, Public Integrity Investigations, and Corrections.
The program was later selected as the most innovative program in the country by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and is now used as a nationwide model in the response and investigation of child abductions.
Sheriff Ivey has testified before the United States Congress on law enforcement related matters and has extensive experience in the area of Public Integrity Investigations. Sheriff Ivey was honored as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Special Agent of the Year (1996) and was also recognized by the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for his Outstanding Contributions to Criminal Justice. In August of 2011 Sheriff Ivey was honored by the National Organization of Victims Advocacy for his work at the national level as an advocate of victim’s rights and protection.
Sheriff Ivey speaks regularly on topics such as Identity Theft, Crime in America, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Self Defense through Mental Preparedness. Sheriff Ivey firmly believes that Crime Prevention and Education are vital to reduce our crime rate and protect our community.