Brevard Public Schools Students Perform Score Above Average on Assessments

By  //  July 2, 2019


Students in Brevard Public Schools performed better than state averages on critical subjects in 2019, according to just-released data from the Florida State Assessment and end-of-course exams.

BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – Students in Brevard Public Schools performed better than state averages on critical subjects in 2019, according to just-released data from the Florida State Assessment and end-of-course exams.

  • In English Language Arts, Brevard Public Schools out-performed the state averages in grades 3-10.
  • In math, BPS out-performed state averages in grades 3, 6 and 7 and matched the state in grades 4 and 5.
  • In science, BPS out-performed the state in grades 5 and 8.

“In the midst of a difficult year for our teachers and organization as a whole, Brevard Public Schools have once again proved an unwavering commitment to serving our students with excellence,” said Superintendent Mark W. Mullins.

“I truly appreciate the dedication and focused work of our teachers and school staff to help our students toward continued success.”

School grades have not yet been calculated by the Florida Department of Education for schools or districts.

Among the highlights for Brevard in the test data:

  • BPS secondary-school students outperformed the state on end-of-course exams in four out of five subjects: Algebra, Geometry, History and Civics.
  • At Endeavour Elementary School in Cocoa, where the school district has made concentrated efforts to turn around performance, students made significant gains in English Language Arts and math.
  • In English Language Arts, Brevard fifth-graders demonstrated a 6 percentage point increase on the FSA whereas the state increased by 1 percentage point overall.
  • In math, BPS fifth-graders posted a 2 percentage point increase on the FSA while the state decreased by 1 percentage point.

State Commissioner of Education Richard Corcoran noted that this year’s later, shorter testing window “enabled students to spend more time in the classroom learning, and teachers more time teaching.”

CLICK HERE to view the statewide and district-level results.

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