What Supplements Are Worth Taking? This is What Experts Think

By  //  January 10, 2023

Information about dietary supplements is often confusing. It’s hard to know which offer genuine health benefits and which are merely giving false promises.

Dietary supplements continue to be a hugely contentious topic in the nutrition industry. Many dieticians argue that a balanced diet should be accounted for with healthy foods, not supplements.

On the other hand, others point out the difficulty of getting all you need from your plates alone. Therefore, they advocate for supplements as an easy alternative for people.

While this is a great idea, it becomes exceedingly clear that everything isn’t always as it seems when it comes to supplements. So we’ve turned to the experts for direction, and they point to the following supplements as what you should take for nutritional benefits.

And if after reading the article you decide to start taking nutritional supplements, then keep in mind that you can always buy the highest quality products on iHerb. And with the iHerb promotion code from yoursherbs.com, you can get supplements you want at discounted prices.

Vitamin D

When it comes to vitamins, a necessity you can’t avoid is vitamin D. Typically; we get it from sun exposure. However, it’s quite challenging to obtain vitamin D from food alone, and that’s where the supplements come in. The Department of Health recommends that adults and children above a year take a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D. 

This is even more important during winter and autumn to avoid a deficiency since we don’t make enough under our skin. It’s even more important for those with darker skin tones as they’re at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.  

Folic Acid

Another important supplement you can get with the iHerb free shipping code is folic acid. This supplement is specifically essential for pregnant women. Every woman that wants to have a baby should add a folic acid supplement to their diet, and so should any woman with up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. This supplement is essential because it can help to prevent a neural tube defect like spina bifida Spina bifida is when the child’s spinal cord doesn’t develop fully in the womb. Often, this results in a gap in the spine. 


This is important for vegans, young women with heavy periods, and vegetarians. This is because most women have low iron intake, and it’s even higher for girls between the age of 11 and 18. An iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which also causes shortness of breath, fatigue, and pale skin. Iron deficiency also results in a weak immune system.

Vitamin B12

Experts also believe that vitamin B12 is a crucial supplement for those following vegan diets. This is because B12 is primarily found in animal products like red meat. This vitamin is essential to ensure a healthy nervous and immune system. It is also necessary for the creation of red blood cells. 


Although you can get calcium from dairy and leafy vegetables, increasing your intake via a supplement is recommended for those with bone mineral density concerns. This is because calcium helps to maintain good bone health. 

When the blood has low calcium levels, it could result in cramps, muscle spasms, and in some cases, seizures. A lack of vitamin D could also result in lower calcium levels.

Vitamin A and C

You’re usually advised to get your daily intake of these vitamins from your diet. This is because vitamin A is rich in foods like sweet potatoes and carrots, while you can find vitamin C in red peppers and kiwis. However, it’s a different story for kids.

When children are learning to eat a variety of food growing up, they’re usually fussy eaters. Therefore, their diet might not be varied enough to cover these nutrients. However, with an iHerb promotion code, you can easily prevent a vitamin deficiency in your child and ensure normal and healthy growth. 

What Supplement Is Right for You?

Determining what supplement is right for you can be a difficult task. However, when in doubt, the experts recommend the supplements above, and you can get them at iHerbs at discounted prices.