Top 5 Refillable and Disposable CBD Vapes

By  //  April 18, 2023

CBD vapes are catching on like wildfire even though they don’t involve any combustion. Transforming oily CBD concentrate into an inhalable vapor, CBD vapes make it easy and rewarding to use CBD anywhere, anytime.

What, exactly, are full-spectrum CBD vapes, though, and what are the best vapes with CBD you can buy on the internet? Learn the answers in this introductory guide to CBD vapes, complete with the top 5 CBD vapes you should consider buying online.

What Are CBD Vapes?

A CBD vape is a portable device that transforms CBD concentrate into inhalable vapor. CBD vapes come in all shapes and sizes, and it’s even possible to dab CBD flower with certain tabletop devices.

Most users, though, opt for disposable CBD vapes or cartridge-battery combos, which make vaping CBD both convenient and discreet. Small enough to slip in your pocket and indistinguishable from a nicotine vape at a glance, CBD vapes empower you to use a full dose of CBD whenever the need might strike.

Disposable CBD Vapes vs. Cartridges vs. Refillables

There are a few different types of CBD vapes we should define before we go on:

  • Disposable CBD vapes: Offering the most simplicity but the least customizability, disposable CBD vapes are popular among new users and those seeking to avoid any unforeseen complications.
  • CBD vape cartridges: Combining a separate battery and cartridge, CBD vape cartridges are reusable and customizable. They can take a while to get the hang of, however.
  • Refillable CBD vapes: Much rarer than the other two options, refillable CBD vapes are messy and require that you have CBD dabs on hand. Most users opt for the simple convenience of cartridges or disposable vapes instead.

Which type of CBD vape is best for your purposes? That’s up to you to decide. Most experienced users, though, do end up opting for CBD battery-cartridge combos since they hit the sweet spot between convenience and customizability.

Top 5 Best CBD Vapes

What are the best CBD vapes you can currently buy on the internet or in a brick-and-mortar store? Get an idea of what’s out there with the following five options:

1. Bonata Martian Candy CBD Vape

Martian Candy is a variety of the legendary Sour Space Candy, one of the first strains bred to be high in CBD. Renowned CBD vape manufacturer puts a new twist on this common strain, and the results will please fans of chill indica vibes.

2. Bonata Clementine CBD Vape

There’s nothing like a CBD vape to bring out the flavor in a strain, and Bonata’s excellent extraction job is what shines through most clearly in Clementine, one of the best CBD vapes currently on the market. This sativa hybrid packs the energy you need to get through the day without making you feel high.

3. Sour Space Candy CBD Vape

Get back to the roots of the CBD movement with Sour Space Candy. Offering indica chill and a sweet aftertaste, vapes with Sour Space Candy will always hit the spot for a certain segment of the CBD vaper base.

4. Lifter CBD Vape

Lifter is a sativa CBD strain that has recently made its way into vapes. Choose Lifter if you know you’re a sativa nut and are looking to get as energized and creative as possible.

5. Harlequin CBD Vape

When it comes to vaping CBD, it doesn’t get any more classic than Harlequin. This OG CBD indica strain is beloved by those suffering from chronic pain or who need help getting to sleep at night.

Try CBD Vapes Today

Vaping is truly the future of the CBD industry. Smoking CBD flower has its place too, of course, but nothing beats the high-tech convenience of pulling a metallic stick out of your pocket — no larger than a pen — putting the end in your mouth, and blowing out a billowing cloud of instantly gasified CBD vapor.

With the CBD vape industry normalizing and stabilizing, some truly excellent products are starting to make their way out of the woodwork. Take a look at what the CBD vape market has to offer, and start on your personal path of exploration with your pick from among the excellent CBD vapes we covered in this guide.