Miss Key Lime Pie Festival Pageant Set Feb. 22-23 at Space Coast Daily Park, Advanced Registration Now Open
By Beth York, Space Coast Daily // December 30, 2024
Registration is free

BREVARD COUNTY • VIERA, FLORIDA – The Miss Key Lime Pie Festival Pageant is back at the Space Coast Daily Park in Viera, promising a fun weekend and community spirit on February 22 and 23.
Join the excitement at the Miss Key Lime Pie Festival Pageant event, set to bring smiles and memories for contestants and attendees alike.
The pageant will be hosted by Ms. Florida Petite 2023 and is open to a wide range of age groups:
■ Saturday, February 22, 2 – 3 p.m.: Little Miss (Ages 3–6), Miss (Ages 7–12)
■ Sunday, February 23, 2 – 3 p.m.: Teen Miss (Ages 13–19), Ms (Ages 20+)
Registration is free.
Advanced registration is recommended, which can be completed by email to beth.spacecoastdaily@gmail.com. Participants can also register late for the event daily at noon on the main stage.
Located at 5775 Stadium Pkwy, Melbourne, this family-friendly event is made possible thanks to the support of several local sponsors, ensuring a fantastic experience for all participants.
Don’t miss your chance to join the fun and celebrate the charm and talent of our community. Mark your calendars and be part of this exciting tradition at the Miss Strawberry Festival Pageant.
For questions, visit the WEBSITE or call 321-693-5420.

The Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival will be a weekend-long, family festival designed to create a fun environment for people to enjoy affordable, healthy, and wholesome fun on February 22-23, 2025, at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera on Florida’s Space Coast.
“We’re pleased to offer a full two days of culinary and fun activities for every taste, including favorites like the Key Lime Pie Baking Contest, live music, children’s games, terrific international food court and Florida Key Lime Pie by the slice, bowl or delicious whole pies……. and for all kinds of Key Lime delicacies for Key Lime lovers”, said Giles Malone, Chairman of the festival and Partner with Space Coast Daily.
Guests can also enter the Key Lime Pie Eating Contest sponsored by Fishlips Waterfront Bar & Grill.
Hours: Saturday and Sunday, February 22-23, 2025: 10 am -6 pm
Admission: $7 per person per day.
Children under the age of 2 receive FREE admission.
Parking $5 cash per vehicle.
Arts & Crafts Fair
The Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival Arts & Crafts Fair is expected to host over 200 exhibitors representing all types of art and craft media.
The highly experienced management team at Brevard Productions Inc., which operates the festival, has been producing events in Brevard County for three decades, including the Space Coast Seafood & Music Festival, Space Coast Strawberry Festival, Space Coast Home Shows, Space Coast State Fair, over 130 concerts, The Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame, The Central Florida Humanitarian Awards and much more.
Space Coast Daily Park is a 41-acre, outdoor green space specifically designed for outdoor events of all kinds. Located at 5775 Stadium Parkway, Melbourne, Florida 32940, Space Coast Daily Park in Viera has parking space for up to 2,000 vehicles adjacent to the palm tree-lined event area, with a paved pathway, a beautiful lake, camping areas suitable for all kinds of activities.

The Pink Spice Band will perform from 10 am until 12 pm on Saturday, February 22 The Pink Spice Band is a band that plays a variety of music, including jazz, blues, rock, Motown, pop, and Latin dance.

Jimmy Riffle of the Gator Boys will show and tell and handle the large reptiles as seen on the hit TV Show “Animal Planet” at both the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival and the Space Coast Strawberry Festivals, Feb 22-23, 2025, and March 15-15,2025 at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera on Florida’s Space Coast.
The show starts with Jimmy choosing a child from the audience to be the uniformed “Zoo Keeper” for the show’s duration. Many native Florida critters will be on view and at the end of the show a group of children will be chosen to display a large replica of a snake skin.
Funds from the event will benefit the 501.C3 charity “Drown Zero.” The Drown Zero initiative started as a Cocoa Beach Rotary Club project that has successfully installed sixty-two (62) Drown Zero flotation device stations along Cocoa Beach and Cape Canaveral from Harbor Heights Avenue to South 15th Street.
Angela’s Petting Zoo will be at the festival so people can enjoy the beautiful animals. Meet and greet all the animals inside the Space Coast Daily Petting Zoo. Free with festival admission
Festival guests will also enjoy seeing all the beautiful animals of the Space Coast Daily Petting Zoo, free inside the festival.
Meet and feed the 15 goats and sheep, a mini donkey, a mini horse, a tortoise, pigs, ducks, chickens, snakes, guinea pigs, sugar gliders, rabbits, pigs and much more. If you would like to feed the animals, you may purchase the safe feed from the petting zoo for $2 a bag.
Pony Rides will also be available.
Meet and enjoy The One Man Band at the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival. Marc Dobson puts on an inspiring performance playing self-created instruments. Marc, a lifelong musician and entertainer, plays 9.1 instruments at once. His repertoire aims at songs every age should recognize, covering the 60’s through to today with a mix of Rock, Country, Pop, and more.
With improv comedic antics, no two shows are alike, which maybe is why Marc has been performing yearly at many fairs since the inception of his One Man Band. Don’t miss Marc Dobson – the amazingly talented One Man Band at the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival.
The One Man Band will perform on Saturday and Sunday at 10 am, 2 pm, and 4 pm.
Also, as this is the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival, you can meet and have fun with a real interstellar Robot!
The 7-foot high BOT The Robot is a comedic, singing, interactive, and strolling character who will land at the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival to meet all the guests on both Feb 22 and Feb 23, 2025.
CLICK HERE or go to www.SpaceCoastKeyLimePieFestival.com for all festival information. Call 855-386-3836.
Enter the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Baking Contest on Sunday, February 23 at 2 p.m.
This information will be required at check-in. $10 cash to enter……pay at the stage:
First name____________ Last Name______________ Pie Eating Nickname_________________
Hometown____________________ Eating accomplishments______________________________
Something unusual about yourself___________________________________________________
Plans if you win________________________________________________________________
Why did you enter the contest?_______________________________________________________
What is your warning to your fellow competitors?__________________________________________
Is your homemade Key Lime Pie to die for? Do you have a hankering to show your pies against bakers from all across the Space Coast? Then you should enter your Key Lime Pie in the Key Lime Pie contest at 2 pm on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera.
“Pies have long been recognized as one of America’s most beloved desserts, and nothing says Florida like Key Lime Pie. To celebrate this tasty culinary treat, the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival Committee is pleased to announce our first annual Key Lime Pie contest,” said Meg Tworkowski, Chairman of the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Contest.
“In Florida, we celebrate the things that make the Sunshine State unique: citrus, eccentrics, people and pie. Our outdoor celebrations are fun & unforgettable. Our people are, too. Come down to Florida – the birthplace of Key Lime Pie. For a little taste, you’ll see what we mean.”
The competition is open to home bakers of all ages and will be held at 2 pm January 21, 2024, at Space Coast Daily Park in Viera. Bakers may enter up to three separate homemade pies, and submissions will be judged based on overall appearance, crust, filling/topping, flavor, and creativity.
The judge’s panel consists of some of Brevard’s finest in the Space Coast food/hospitality industry, including Chef Scott Earick of Scott’s on Fifth, Chef Angela McEllin of Florida Academy of Baking, Chef Bill Farina, formerly of Creative Catering, Chef Joe Alfano, former executive chef of Universal Properties, and Suzy Fleming Leonard, Florida Today Food and Dining writer.
Pies must be received at the Space Coast Daily Park Budweiser Stage by noon on Jan. 21. The event starts at 2 pm, winners will be announced after judging is completed, and prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded.
Please visit our website at https://www.spacecoastkeylimepiefestival.com/location/, email Key Lime Pie Contest Chair Meg Tworkowski at megtworkowski@gmail.com, or call 321-537-1498.
CLICK HERE for more information, contest rules, and/or to pre-register.
Homemade Key Lime Pie Contest Rules:
Contest is open to all ages
Home bakers only – Professional bakers may not submit an entry
Contestants may enter up to three pies
Each pie submitted must be homemade, bakers may not use pre-made store bought crust
Enter a Pie
Pies must be delivered to main show stage at Space Coast Daily Park, 5775 Stadium Parkway, Melbourne, Florida 32940, by 12:00 pm on 1/21/24.
Fill out registration form
a. Acknowledge that entered pies become the property of the Space Coast Key Lime Festival – you will not get your pie back.
b. If you win, you give your permission to have your photo taken during the announcement ceremony to be used for Pie Contest and Festival promotional marketing.
Each submission must include:
a. Two pies for each recipe submitted – one will be used for judging appearance/presentation, the other to be cut for tasting
b. A printed copy of your pie recipe including ingredients, preparation, and your name/ phone
a. Judging starts at 2:00 pm. Judges will not be present when pies are delivered to ensure the confidentially of the bakers.
b. Criteria for judging – Each pie will be judged on the following, out of 100 possible points
I. Overall Appearance: 1-20 points
II. Crust – color, texture, flavor: 1-20 points
III. Filling/topping – consistency, doneness: 1-20 points
IV. Flavor – deliciousness of every bite: 1-20 points
V. Creativity: 1-20 points
a. Each judge will rate the pie and assign a numerical value in each criteria category. Judges will not consult/discuss their scoring during the judging.
b. The pie receiving the highest overall score is the winner. The Pie Contest Committee will tally the judging sheets.
c. In the event of a tie, the judges will have a second round of tasting/scoring with the original scoring criteria
d. Once the winning score has been determined, the judges decision is final.
e. Winners for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place will be announced and prizes awarded on the main stage at 3:00 pm.
Deposition of Pies – all pies become the property of the Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival Contest Committee.
After judging, pies will be sliced and shared. For more information please call:
1st Place: Trophy, $100 cash and gift basket donated by the Festival Arts & Crafts Vendors
2nd Place: Trophy, $75 cash and gift basket, donated by the Festival Arts & Crafts Vendors
3rd Place: Trophy, $50 cash and gift basket, donated by the Festival Arts & Crafts Vendors
CLICK HERE for more information, contest rules, and/or to pre-register. For additional questions, email Contest Chair Meg Tworkowski at megtworkowski@gmail.com or call 321-537-1498. Happy Baking!
The Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival is a 3-day, outdoor, family festival, designed to create an environment for people to enjoy affordable, healthy and wholesome outdoor fun.
Festival Hours:
Saturday and Sunday, February 22-23, 2025: 10 am -6 pm
Adults: $7 per person, per day.
Children under the age of 2 receive FREE admission.
The Miss Space Coast Key Lime Pie Festival:
a. Little Miss and Miss: Saturday, 2/22/2025: 2:00 – 3:00pm
b. Teen Miss and Ms: Sunday, 2/23/2025: 2:00 – 3:00pm
This fun event will take place inside the festival. People wishing to enter should read the information below and then complete and submit the registration form. Please call Beth at 321-693-5420 for details and to sign up.
Thank you to Queen B Talent for organizing these fun, family events.
Miss Key Lime Pie Festival Pageant Regulations:
1. Complete the registration form and email to queenb@queenbtalent.com
2. Pay the $25 registration fee via the link sent to your email.
3. Divisions:
a. Little Miss – Females ages 3 – 6
b. Miss – Females ages 7 – 12
c. Teen Miss – Females ages 13 – 19
d. Ms. – Females ages 20+
4. Competition dates:
a. Little Miss and Miss: Saturday, 2/22/2025: 2:00 – 3:00pm
b. Teen Miss and Ms: Sunday, 1/23/2025: 2:00 – 3:00pm
5. Call time for all divisions and dates is 1:00pm. Arrive in attire and competition ready.
Check in with Production Director Beth York at the main stage.
6. Production will include opening number, title reading, individual walks, judging, awards,
photo shoot. Participation at every part of production is required. Parental
accompaniment will be necessary for Little Miss contestants for some activities.
7. One winner, and first and second runners up, will be chosen from each division. Winners
will receive a crown and sash. Other awards will be given for category winners.
8. Contestants wear a green themed formal outfit of choice. May or may not include key
lime pie themed accessories.
9. Judging rubric is scored in the following categories:
a. Personality – can the judges get a sense of your individuality?
b. Confidence – do you look comfortable presenting yourself publicly?
c. Showmanship – are you enjoyable to watch during performance?
d. Outfit – is this outfit expressive, appropriate, and flattering for you?
10. Competition Location: 5775 Stadium Parkway, Melbourne, Florida 32940, Space Coast
Daily Park in Viera, main stage.